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  1. Alain Pompidou (born 5 April 1942) is a French scientist and politician. A former professor of histology, embryology and cytogenetics, he was the fourth president of the European Patent Office (EPO) from 1 July 2004 to 30 June 2007. He is the adopted son of Georges Pompidou, former President of France.

  2. Alain Pompidou, né le 5 avril 1942 [1] à Paris en France, est un scientifique et homme politique français. Ancien professeur d'histologie, d'embryologie et de cytogénétique, il est le quatrième président de l'Office européen des brevets (OEB) du 1 er juillet 2004 au 30 juin 2007.

  3. The Marković affair was a political scandal in France in 1968 that followed a violent death of Stevan Marković, a friend and bodyguard of actor Alain Delon. The press speculated Delon was involved.

  4. FACULTE DE MEDECINE COCHIN PORT-ROYAL. Alain Pompidou has had a long and distinguished academic and political career. He took doctorates in medicine, science and biology and from 1974 to 2004 was professor of histology, embryology and cytogenetics in the medical faculty of the University of Paris.

  5. Alain Pompidou. Born April 5th 1942 Married – 3 children. PhD Medicine PhD Sciences PhD Human Biology. Officier de la Légion d’Honneur Officier de l’Ordre National du Mérite Chevalier des Palmes Académiques.

  6. Alain Pompidou. Professeur à la Faculté de Médecine COCHIN - PORT-ROYAL. Université René Descartes - Paris V (1974 - 2007) Chef de Service au Groupe Hospitalier COCHIN - St VINCENT DE PAUL - LA ROCHE GUYON (1990 - 2004) Président du Conseil de Surveillance et membre du Bureau du Comité Consultatif Médical (1995 - 2004).

  7. In April 2014, Pompidou president Alain Seban confirmed that after Malaga (Spain), Mexico will be the next site for a pop-up Pompidou Centre. A satellite museum Centre Pompidou x Jersey City in Jersey City, New Jersey, will open in 2024, being the Pompidou's first satellite museum in North America. South America