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  1. Julia Murdock Smith Dixon Middleton (May 1, 1831 – September 12, 1880) was an early member of the Latter Day Saint movement and the eldest surviving child and only daughter of Joseph Smith and Emma Hale Smith. She was adopted by the Smiths.

  2. Julia Murdock Smith was one of the Murdock twins adopted at birth by Joseph and Emma Hale Smith in 1831. She played a prominent family role as the oldest and only female child in the Smith household.

  3. JULIA MURDOCK SMITH WAS ONE OF THE INFANT TWINSadopted by Joseph and Emma Smith. She was raised as the oldest child in the Smith household. In re- cent years, biographers have claimed Julia as primary subject material, and her fascinating character and life have begun to take shape.

  4. Daughter of John Murdock and Julia Clapp adopted by LDS Prophet Joseph Smith and wife Emma. The day after Emma's twins died at Kirtland... Julia Clapp Murdock died in childbirth, leaving her newborn twins and three other young children motherless.

  5. According to Emma Hale Smith’s handwritten account, in the Smith family Bible, her adopted daughter, Julia Murdock Smith was born May 1, 1831, in Warrensville, Ohio, to John and Julia Clapp Murdock. Her twin brother, Joseph, was also born the same day.

  6. Julia Murdock Smith Dixon Middleton (May 1, 1831 – September 12, 1880) was an early member of the Latter Day Saint movement and the eldest surviving child and only daughter of Joseph Smith and Emma Hale Smith. She was adopted by the Smiths.

  7. Julia Murdock Smith Dixon Middleton grave, Nauvoo, IL. Photo (2015) by Kenneth Mays. In late April 1831 Emma Smith, wife of the Prophet Joseph Smith, gave birth to twin babies at Kirtland, Ohio. The two infants only lived a few hours.