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  1. Founded in 2006, the association supports professional storytellers, nurtures the growth of storytellers and shares information in storytelling events in Singapore.

  2. Aug 25, 2020 · As your story unfolds, throw a plot twist into your story to recapture your audience's attention. To help you understand storytelling better, let's take a closer look at some of the best storytellers of all time. Study what they do, and try to develop your storytelling strategy based on some of their best skills.

  3. › wiki › StorytellingStorytelling - Wikipedia

    Storytelling was used to explain natural phenomena, bards told stories of creation and developed a pantheon of gods and myths. Oral stories passed from one generation to the next and storytellers were regarded as healers, leaders, spiritual guides, teachers, cultural secrets keepers and entertainers.

  4. Select a Teller. There are a growing number of professional storytellers working in Singapore. The ones listed below are all Professional Members of the Association and as such are expected to meet our Code of Good Storytelling Practice. They are available for professional engagements.

  5. From Book to Cook, a new cooking show on Singapore’s old recipes. Stories from BiblioAsia , compelling video stories from BiblioAsia articles. BiblioAsia Reels, bite-sized videos about Singapore’s history. The Time Travelling Trio, a children’s series on what life in Singapore used to be like.

  6. Sep 7, 2021 · How do these great storytellers connect with their audiences? And what differentiates the most compelling stories from a merely good story, or even a bad one? Here are some storytelling techniques to help you share your own story in an impactful way.

  7. A list of the top storytellers of all times in the history of mankind, people who have significantly contributed to storytelling as we know it today.