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  1. Asylum Origins: Harley: With Jillianne Pecynski, Jeff May, Matthew Ewald, Todd Lanphear.

    • Action, Crime, Drama
    • Jillianne Pecynski, Jeff May, Matthew Ewald
    • 2019-08-01
    • Jillianne Pecynski, Jeff May, Matthew Ewald
  2. Aug 8, 2020 · The team that brought you Asylum Origins: Harley Season 1 is proud to announce that season 2 is now in development!!! Thanks for your support and loyalty to ...

  3. Asylum Origins: Harley. 267 likes. Upcoming webseries based on the DC comics character Harley Quinn. A peek into the broken back story of Dr. Harleen Quinzel and the creation of Harley Quinn

    • Overview
    • Incident Reports
    • Personality
    • Appearance
    • Gameplay
    • Psychological Profile
    • Codex

    —Harley Quinn to Batman

    An Arkham Asylum psychiatrist, who begged and eventually convinced her superiors to treat the Joker; Dr. Harleen Quinzel became obsessively fixated on her patient and believed herself to be in love with him. She helped him escape from confinement and took on her own criminal identity as Harley Quinn. Harley was a violent and unpredictable felon whose only motivation, beyond general mayhem, was achieving the Joker’s approval. Because of the Joker's cruel and mercurial nature, this in some ways made Harley just another one of his victims - albeit a very dangerous one.

    Before Arkham Origins Incident

    During her early life, Harleen had a criminal father who gave her distorted morals, but also led her to become fascinated by the extreme criminal mind. Being academically intelligent, she therefore undertook a psychiatric medical degree at Gotham City University as this was the quickest method of being able to treat criminal behavior in institutions such as Arkham Asylum. While at the university, Harleen may have developed her skills in gymnastics, which accounted for her acrobatic abilities displayed later in her life as Harley Quinn.

    Arkham Origins Incident

    To become a fully qualified psychiatrist, Harleen trained under the psychiatrist, Dr. Hugo Strange as part of the psychiatric team at Blackgate Prison. At one point, she, under Strange's orders, contacted one of his patients, Alberto Falcone, the heir to The Falcone Crime Family, to notify him that he had missed his past two appointments, and gave the subtle, but clear threat that Strange and Quinzel would tell his father, Carmine Falcone, about Alberto carrying potentially untreated psychological issues if he didn't continue his appointments. By the time of Christmas Eve, Quinzel was nearly finished with her psychiatric residency at Blackgate. After Julian Gregory Day, also known as the serial killer Calendar Man, was arrested by the GCPD with the anonymous help of Batman, Quinzel did a psychological evaluation of the serial killer, and determined that Day was insane and thus could not be executed. However, Warden Joseph had her redo the evaluation under the pretense that he was manipulating her (although, it was heavily implied that Joseph himself was being manipulated by Commissioner Loeb into having Day ruled sane and execute him to gain political points). She did so under the condition that she be allowed to do psychiatric evaluation on all new prisoners from that point onward. —Dr. Quinzel begins falling under the Joker's thrall Harleen appeared when Joker got captured by the GCPD at the Royal Hotel and was sent to Blackgate, where she performed a psychological assessment on him, by using assessments such as word association. During their session, Joker described the encounter between him and Batman and stated that it had changed the way he thought, but he never specified that he was talking about Batman. Harleen therefore thought that Joker was talking about her, so, she grew an affinity toward her patient.  Harleen was seen again at the Blackgate Riot later that night where she was held hostage by a group of ten escaped Blackgate Prisoners in the Nexus. Batman quickly intervened, but Quinzel showed no form of gratitude toward her savior, nor did she show signs of shock from being almost killed. When Batman asked Quinzel if she was alright, she replied: "What's it to ya?" Harleen walked away from Batman as he stated that: "You were almost killed." She then replied back: "Eh, occupational hazard." And revealed that the Joker was located inside the Panopticon, and that he was waiting for Batman's arrival. Harleen was seen for the last time with a group of guards escorting the Joker to a cell at Blackgate, who laughed at Batman's deception. As Harleen walked alongside him, Joker stated his belief that his future battles with Batman would indeed be "fun" - possibly already set on the idea of the prison takeover attempt during the Arkham Origins Blackgate Incident three months later.

    After Arkham Origins Incident

    It was likely that Harleen had limited contact with the Joker between her first meeting and the Arkham Origins Blackgate Incident. As a result, it was most likely that Harleen continued to study the other patients and that her relationship with the Joker was not particularly close or affectionate during that period. At around the same time of the Arkham Origins Blackgate Incident, Arkham Asylum became renovated and was in fit condition to function as an institution for the criminally insane. Following this incident, Joker, along with a number of other patients, were shortly transferred to Arkham Asylum where they could be studied and treated more safely and appropriately. After finally completing her prolonged residency at Blackgate, Harleen became a fully trained psychiatrist. To continue studying and primarily treating extreme criminal behavior, Harleen eventually interned at Arkham Asylum for a while after it had been fully renovated - possibly because it aimed to rehabilitate insane patients, unlike Blackgate. There, she underwent employee orientation with Dr. Whistler and was given a permanent office located on the Medical Facility's lower floor: the Secure Access Corridor. In this institution, Harleen continued her work as a criminal psychiatrist and voluntarily assigned herself to psychologically assess and treat the Joker after previously experiencing his behavior first-hand at Blackgate. —Joker tells his view of the world to Dr. Quinzel Over the course of the Interview Tape Sessions with the Joker, he recognized Harleen's affinity for him, and he was able to easily manipulate her by complimenting her, giving her a flower, and victimizing himself. Harleen was also oblivious to the fact that she had overestimated her abilities to treat the Joker and did not anticipate how manipulative he was, so she did not see that the Joker was in fact using her. She therefore began to strongly empathize for him and believed Batman to be the criminal instead. As revealed in the Spirit of Arkham's 19th deciphered message, her affection toward the Joker had developed to the point where she kissed the glass on the cell which he was locked in, which resulted in Warden Sharp considering performing a lobotomy on her after he killed Joker. As a result of the Joker's grooming of her own distorted morals, Harleen eventually fell in love with her patient, which was evident by the posters found in her office at Arkham Asylum. Following Joker's orders, Harleen smuggled bombs into the penitentiary to break into his cell and free him. Wearing her trademark jester costume, Harleen introduced her 'new' persona to the Joker and assumed her own criminal identity as 'Harley Quinn'.

    Harley was academically intelligent and gained a strong interest in criminology as her father was a criminal. As a psychiatrist, Harley was responsible, very caring, and strongly empathized with her patients, such as leaving a note in Calendar Man's cell saying: "Happy Holidays, Julian! - HQ." Despite her academic intelligence, Harley had distorted morals and lacked a great deal of common sense as she failed to see how dangerous and harmful the Joker was. In her sessions with the Joker, Harley also failed to see sense and overestimated her abilities as he was extremely crafty, which meant that he could easily influence her to feel sympathy and affection for him. For example, Harley did not realize that she was being manipulated to feel affection for Joker during her interview sessions as she was far less experienced in comparison to other Arkham Psychiatrists. Therefore, she inevitably began to feel fixated with him and underwent a drastic change.

    Once Harley accepted that she was in love with the Joker, she demonstrated extreme signs of regression (as noted by Dr. Young) such as a higher pitch in her voice, becoming less assertive and appearing less intelligent - possibly to try to appeal to him. On a daily basis, Harley was cheerful and optimistic, but also sadistic and maniacal which she may have learned from the Joker. Unlike him, however, Harley often failed to reserve herself in combat and speech which she admitted to Penguin when she rescued Poison Ivy from the police station in Bludhaven. This often resulted in secret information being stated which was beneficial to Batman or resulted in her attacking him, only to be quickly defeated. This type of behavior was often apparent during the Arkham Asylum Incident. She also showed androphobia as she used to insult and mock several men except the Joker.

    In the Arkham City Incident, the stress from the Joker's poor health appeared to have altered Harley's personality, such as showing a shorter tempter, displaying a lack of common sense, becoming more ruthless and more frustrated while trying to follow the Joker's orders and staying in charge of his henchmen. Immediately following the Joker's death (in Harley Quinn's Revenge), Harley became even more ruthless and dangerous as she was not able to come to terms with her loss. Whilst still her usual self, Harley was feared among her henchmen as one even told an ally to not 'piss her off'. Harley even assumed a henchman was hitting on her, and screamed about how he could not compare to her "Mr. J", although he was just being sympathetic to her. Also, Harley's voice increasingly became angrier, maniacal and higher pitched and she was slightly suicidal, which reflected the extreme stress she went through following the Joker's death.

    Up to Arkham Knight, Harley appeared to have finally accepted the Joker's death, but she still mentioned how she missed his presence, and blamed Batman for that. Harley was shown to experience psychosis, in which she had hallucinations of her voice from when she was a doctor and hallucinations of writing on various walls. Harleen Quinzel's voice acted as the voice of reason to a demented and troubled Harley Quinn. While denying and even considering a lobotomy to get rid of the voices, these may have represented Harley's conscience urging her to stop committing crime - something that would have been repressed while the Joker was still alive. To deal with this psychosis, Harley could have potentially treated this herself by using her own psychiatric knowledge, but that was unlikely.

    During Arkham Knight, Harley also became more assertive, capable, and she regained much of her independence. As a result, she was even able to uncover Batman's computer system in Panessa Studios. This may have been because Harley was no longer influenced on the Joker's orders and showed how the Joker had "held her back" from her potential. She still, however, showed a level of dependence on the Joker when Henry Adams behaved similarly to him. Also, several thugs called her the "Clown Princess of Crime" which suggested that Harley had replaced the Joker's clown-based crime in the Gotham City Underworld.

    Similar to the Joker, she also at times has a disregard for her personal safety. In particular, after the Joker's death, she was perfectly willing to die in the destruction of her own lair just to reunite with the then-recently deceased Joker. In Assault on Arkham, when Deadshot offered to kill Harley Quinn for Penguin, she merely was annoyed by his offer.

    Batman: Arkham Origins

    During Arkham Origins, Harleen's outfit was much more sensible than that of the later games, as she was working at Blackgate Prison and hadn't started her dark life of crime. Her uniform consisted of colors similar to her outfits as Harley yet lacked a lot of the design elements. Harleen’s hair was in a bun, with her hair pushed to the left side of her face, instead of the trademark twin ponytails. She wore a white coat over a red blouse, with her name tag pinned on the left side of her chest. She wore black pants and a black skirt, with black stockings and red heels.

    Batman: Assault on Arkham

    In Harley’s next appearance her outfit was considerably different, with a headpiece similar to that worn by her animated counterpart. Her top was a checked tank top, which exposed her midriff and navel, as well as a loose black glove on her left hand, and a black sleeve on her right. She wore black and red pants, with a red diamond pattern on the right, and a loose belt with a diamond buckle. She wore black boots that ended halfway between her knee and ankle as shoes.

    Batgirl: A Matter of Family

    Harley wore her original black and red jester outfit that was the same from the DC Animated Universe, except her shoes were heeled rather than being flat.

    Harley Quinn was a playable character in Batman: Arkham Knight. She was unlocked in AR mode by buying the Harley Quinn DLC.. Harley's default costume was her Arkham Knight one, while her classic outfit was patched into the game for free.

    •Harley had her own version of Detective Mode called Psychosis Mode, which was similar to other characters, except that it turned the screen red and caused writings to appear on the wall. Harley began to hear her former self, Harleen, who told her that what she was doing was a bad idea, and that the Joker had never loved her.

    •Harley used acrobatic moves, including throws, to fight, referring to her high skill in gymnastics. Harley shared many of her animations with Catwoman; however, due to not being designed to fight outside of her DLC, Harley was unable to fight ninjas, electrified thugs, shield carriers, Minigunners, or Brutes, which made her enemy pool significantly more simplistic compared to other playable characters. Also because of this, Harley Quinn can not interact with Environmental melee weapons but can interact with Environmental Takedowns objects. She is able to pounce on foes from ledges, similar to Nightwing, Red Hood, and Catwoman.

    •Harley featured a unique gameplay mechanic where she would enter a psychotic rage, in which she was able to instantly takedown anyone she attacked. Depending on the style of Takedown used, Harley was able to take down 3-4 enemies, with Stun Batons that took the longest amount of time.

    •Harley was the only playable character that was incapable of doing Silent Takedowns, which made her a difficult character to use in Predator. In its place, Harley always had a Loud Takedown.

    •Before the November update, purchased Waynetech upgrades did not carry over to Harley. As of the November update, that was no longer true and most Waynetech upgrades carried over, and allowed Harley the Blade Dodge Takedown, additional armor, combo boost, and critical strikes, which greatly boosted her effectiveness in combat.

    GCPD Profile Batman's Database Profile

    also known as

    Quinzel is finishing up her psychiatric residency at Blackgate Prison. It seems odd that an intern would try to work at a facility that has little desire to rehabilitate its inmates, but perhaps her interest in the criminal mind will bear fruit.

    •Keen interest in the criminal mind

    •Intern at Blackgate Prison

    •Most senior medical staff member working on December 24th

    From the Files of Lex Luthor

    Though she delights in tomfoolery, Quinn is clearly the de facto leader of this Task Force X. Intelligent, cunning, ruthless, it’s hard to believe she was once simply a lackey and paramour to the Joker. In fact, checking Lexipedia it seems there is a lively edit war over which crimes should be attributed to whom. Certainly, following the Joker’s death Quinn accumulated a sizeable solo career of criminal indictments before being remanded to Arkham Asylum. She’s somehow earned the awe and exasperation of Task Force X in equal measure. I must say, I share the sentiment. Her ability to manipulate others out of – and often directly into – dangerous encounters make her an invaluable asset.

  4. 2019. Action/Crime/Drama. Cast. Jillianne Pecynski (Harley Quinn) Jeff May (Lieutenant Brown) Matthew Ewald (The Joker) Todd Lanphear (Sgt. Prescott) Ellie Serrano (Young Harleen) Jimmy Manning...

  5. Aug 30, 2019 · Premiere episode of the fan series written, produced and starring Jillianne. In this episode, we see an incarcerated Dr. Harleen Quinzel being interrogated b...

    • 8 min
    • 2058
    • Positive insanity Productions
  6. Asylum Origins: Harley (TV Series 2019– ) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more.