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  1. The National United University (NUU; Chinese: 國立聯合大學; Pha̍k-fa-sṳ: Kwet-li̍p Lîen-ha̍p Thài-ho̍k) is a public university in Miaoli City, Miaoli County, Taiwan. NUU offers undergraduate and graduate programs in a wide range of fields, including business, engineering, humanities, law, science, and social sciences.

  2. 國立聯合大學校總網. ::: 國立聯合大學工業設計系榮獲2024 IFDC國際鞋類設計大獎,並於台灣區預賽斬獲多項佳績!. 本校與苗栗縣政府共同推動地方產業創新研發計畫(SBIR)成果豐碩. 本校舉辦 2024第七屆臺日雙邊學術研討會 圓滿完成. 經濟部產業發展署 「數位 ...

  3. Nuu NEWs. Admission Brochure for International Students Academic Year 2024 (Fall 2024-Spring 2025). Handbook for Incoming International Students.

  4. 國立聯合大學 ,簡稱 聯大 ,位於 臺灣 苗栗縣 的 國立大學 ,原為 經濟部 與公民營事業及地方仕紳集資籌設之「 私立聯合工業技藝專科學校 」,於1995年由董事會捐贈予政府並改設為國立學校,後於2003年改制為大學並更為現名。 現為 臺灣國立大學系統 成員,以「在地文化」、「優質教學」、「研究創新」及「社會服務」四大願景規劃 [3] ,並有 理工 、 電機資訊 、 設計 、 管理 、 人文社會 、 客家學 等多元領域的高等教育課程。 [4] 學校意象. 校名. 由 經濟部 與國內大型國營事業、民營企業單位聯合集資, 苗栗縣 政府捐地,故名曰「聯合」。 [5] 校區. 二坪山校區校門.

  5. Our school was established in 1972 and funded by government, NUU is located in the center of Miaoli City, providing beautiful landscape and good life function. Two campuses of 70 hectares of multiple-function campus, providing excellent environment for learning, research and exercise. Students can apply for oversea internship and exchange ...

  6. National University of Singapore is ranked consistently as one of the world's top universities. We offer the most extensive college degree courses in Singapore.

  7. The National United University is based in Miaoli City, in Western Taiwan. Established in 1972 as Lien Ho Industrial and Technological Junior College, it was the only higher education institution in the region.

  8. Learn more about studying at National United University including how it performs in QS rankings, the cost of tuition and further course information.

  9. National United University holds Internship Achievement Presentation for students from NIT, Japan. How Taiwan Enhanced its Higher Education Environment amid COVID-19-Open World @FICHET Online Program. Call for Group Recruitment for 2020 Nan Ying International Folklore Festival.

  10. On July 1st 1995, the Board of Directors of the initial private college donated the school to the Minister of Education, and the College officially became a public institution with a new name - the National United College of Technology and Commerce.