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  1. Jinan University Celebrates 2024 Graduation and Conferral of Degrees Authors: SU Qianyi, LAI Guiyun, HE Xueling, DU Mingcan, LI Mei, LI Weimiao, CHEN GuoqiongPublisher: News CenterDate: June 30, 2024Jinan University recently marked the culmination of academic journeys with its 2024 graduation ceremony and degree awarding ceremony held across the Shipai, Panyu, and Zhuhai campuses.

  2. Jinan University is one of the earliest universities in China to offer business education and is the fifth university in mainland China to be accredited by the Association of MBAs (AMBA). "Ji'nan" literally means "reaching southward," indicating the university's original mission to disseminate Chinese learning and culture from North to South when it was founded in 1906 in Nanjing .

  3. 如果您访问暨南大学英文网站遇到IP受限的问题,请参考本页面的解决方法,了解如何申请白名单或使用VPN服务。

  4. 暨南大学校长、中国工程院院士邢锋:以“人工智能+”赋能高质量发展. 暨南大学举办第一期“凝心铸魂 头雁赋能”党建专题培训班. 中俄医科大学联盟理事会2024年会暨中俄医药发展国际学术大会在广州举办. 校党委理论学习中心组召开集体学习会 深入学习贯彻 ...

  5. 2016-10-16 We are proud of our diverse University community which attracts students and staff from over 100 different countries and regions. 5 History 2016-10-16 From Najing, Shanghai, Fujian to Guangzhou, explore the journey of Jinan Univeristy from 1906 to the current day.

  6. Introduction to International SchoolThe International School of Jinan University was founded in 2001 and is located in Guangzhou, China. It is a young, but unique college, in which all courses are delivered in English. There are currently nine bachelor degree programs and two master degree programs, which have attracted approximately 4,000 ...

  7. Apr 19, 2024 · Jinan University Admission – Direct Application(Before June 30, 2024)(Guide)Jinan University welcomes applications for undergraduate admission from overseas Chinese and international students, including those of Chinese origin, from now to June 30, 2024for enrollment in 2024. Please read the Undergraduate Program Admission Prospectus for Overseas Chinese(2024)and Undergraduate Prospectus for ...

  8. Explore rankings data for Jinan University . All ranked institutions have an overall score and 4 pillar scores. However for each pillar, only institutions ranked in the top 500 overall or the top 500 in this pillar have a publicly visible score. Compare universities on their key stats

  9. Jinan University is one of several educational institutions working under the umbrella of the Jinan Association, which operates primary schools, high schools, schools for people with special needs, and technical institutes active since year 1964. Jinan University was established in year 1988 and received its official authorization from the ...

  10. 暨南大学(英語: Jinan University ,縮寫: JNU )简称暨大,是一所校本部位于中国 广州市的公立大学,其前身是清朝 光绪32年(1906年)于江宁府(今南京)成立的暨南学堂。 暨南学堂於1918年改名為國立暨南學校,1927年改組為國立暨南大學,中国抗日战争期间曾迁址福建 建阳,抗战胜利后于1946年迁 ...