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  1. Germana Marucelli (13 October 1905 – 23 February 1983) was an Italian fashion designer. Life and career. Born in Settignano, Florence into a family of craftsmen, after the primary school at 11 years old Marucelli started working as an apprentice in her uncle's atelier, Chiostri.

  2. Learn about Germana Marucelli, the first post-war fashion designer who refused to follow French haute couture and created her own style. Discover her biography, her collaborations with artists, her awards and her legacy.

  3. Jul 27, 2023 · GERMANA MARUCELLI, A UNIQUE ARTIST. Germana Marucelli, born at the turn of the century in Settignano on the outskirts of Florence, is considered to all intents and purposes the forerunner of Made in Italy.

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    • Collegamenti Esterni

    Nata a Settignano (Firenze) da una famiglia di artigiani, dopo le elementari a 11 anni cominciò a lavorare come apprendista nella sartoria degli zii, Chiostri. Nel 1925 lasciò la famiglia Chiostri per lavorare in un altro atelier fiorentino; nel 1932 fu nominata direttrice della sartoria Gastaldi di Genova. Nel 1938 si trasferì a Milano, dove in vi...

    I. Brin, Dodici mesi di paura per i grandi sarti francesi, in L’anno 1951, Milano-Roma 1952
    Germana Marucelli, Le favole del ferro da stiro, ricordi di Germana Marucelli scritti da Fernanda Pivano, Milano, East, 1964.
    I. Brin, È suonata l’ora della op-art, in Corriere d’informazione, 19-20 gennaio 2015
    Germana Marucelli, , Le presenze, introduzione di Gillo Dorfles, Milano, All'insegna del pesce d'oro, 1974.
    Marta Boneschi, MARUCELLI, Germana, in Dizionario biografico degli italiani, vol. 71, Istituto dell'Enciclopedia Italiana, 2008.
    Germana Marucelli Archiviato il 21 aprile 2022 in Internet Archive., su SAN - Portale degli archivi della moda del Novecento.
  4. Germana Marucelli. The beginnings; Relationship with art and culture; The search for style; Prizes and awards; Creations. Understanding the time; Joint work with artists. Pietro Zuffi; Paolo Scheggi; Getulio Alviani; Other collaborations; Le Presenze; The dressmaker of poetry. San Babila prize; Germana Marucelli Thursday Rendez-Vous; Fashion ...

  5. understanding the time. A deep and careful observer and connoisseur of female style and the feminine, Marucelli antedated trends and styles with her dresses.

  6. Sep 24, 2023 · The Museum of Costume and Fashion of Pitti Palace reopens with an exhibition dedicated to the Florentine Germana Marucelli (1905-83), a forerunner of the made in Italy and creator of visionary fashion, who in the 1950s contributed to found and spread Italian high fashion in the world by collaborating with Giovan Battista Giorgini in ...