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  1. 受COVID-19影響目前為止可收寄出口航空郵件之國家/地區為104個且郵遞時效皆有所延誤。. 113/04/23. 詐騙集團假冒中華郵政公司名義透過網路社群平台徵求「郵局信封作業員」等,籲請民眾小心防範、慎防受騙. 113/04/04. 交寄國際郵件請先使用EZPost輸入郵件資料 ...

    • 職業安全衛生政策

      職業安全衛生政策 尊重生命價值,重視人本公義,共創永續發展 職業安全衛生目標...

    • 總經理簡介

      學 歷: 國立臺灣大學法律系畢業: 經 歷: 台灣郵政協會董事長; 中華郵政股份有限公司 桃園郵局經理;...

    • 108年郵政年報

      108年郵政年報. 全國郵局查詢(含代辦所) 平常日延時營業郵局;...

    • 疫情資訊


  2. International / Mainland China Tracking Service. Enter the item number from shipping receipt in the field below:.

  3. 2 days ago · Customer Service Center. Voice service hotline : 0800-700-365. Payment number : (04)2354-2030 if you dial through a cell phone

  4. Aug 31, 2023 · Mainland China Letter-Post Items refers to mail sent from Taiwan to the Mainland area (excluding Hong Kong, Macau and Outer Mongolia), or from the Mainland area to Taiwan. Mainland China Letter-Post Items includes the following types: letters, postcards, aerograms, printed matter, newsprint, literature for the blind, and small packages.

  5. Definition of Mail. Mainland China Parcel refers to the parcels sent from Taiwan to the Mainland area (excluding Hong Kong, Macau and Outer Mongolia) or from the Mainland area (excluding Hong Kong, Macau and Outer Mongolia) to Taiwan. Top. Posting for delivery.

  6. 中華郵政 郵你真好!歡迎大家加入這個大家庭, 這裡除了有中華郵政各類訊息與小趣事外, 我們也將舉辦各類活動喔!一起來同樂吧~ 想看更多郵政消息請到中華郵政全球資訊網

  7. › wiki › China_PostChina Post - Wikipedia

    China Post, officially the China Post Group Corporation, [3] is the national postal service corporation of the People's Republic of China. It is incorporated as a state-owned enterprise . China Post shares its office with the sub-ministry-level government agency State Post Bureau, which regulates the national postal industry. History.