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  1. Sensoji (浅草寺, Sensōji, also known as Asakusa Kannon Temple) is a Buddhist temple located in Asakusa. It is one of Tokyo 's most colorful and popular temples.

  2. Senso-ji is the oldest temple in Tokyo. Known throughout Japan, it is the temple of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva (Sho Kanzeon Bosatsu), who embodies the mercy of all Buddhas. This important center of religious faith draws 30 million worshippers every year. History of Senso-ji.

  3. Senso-ji is an ancient Buddhist temple located in Asakusa, Tokyo, Japan. It is Tokyo's oldest temple, and one of its most significant. Formerly associated with the Tendai sect of Buddhism, it became independent after World War II. Adjacent to the temple is a Shinto shrine, the Asakusa Shrine.

  4. › wiki › Sensō-jiSensō-ji - Wikipedia

    Sensō-ji ([sẽ̞ꜜɰ̃so̞ːʑi] ⓘ, 浅草寺, officially Kinryū-zan Sensō-ji (金龍山浅草寺), also known as Asakusa Kannon (浅草観音)), is an ancient Buddhist temple in Asakusa, Tokyo, Japan. It is Tokyo's oldest-established temple, and one of its most significant. It is dedicated to Kannon, the bodhisattva of compassion.

  5. Sensoji Temple is popular with both locals and tourists alike as a place where you can feel the atmosphere of the Edo period. With the Kaminarimon and the five-storied pagoda, as well as the busy side streets and specialty shops of Nakamise-dori street, there's so much to see and do.

  6. May 1, 2019 · Sensōji Temple in Asakusa is just a 15-minute train ride from Tokyo Station (20 from Shinjuku, 30 from Shibuya or just 5 from Akihabara)—here’s what to know and how to explore the place.

  7. 浅草寺の縁起. 時は飛鳥時代、推古天皇36年(628)3月18日の早朝、. 檜前浜成・竹成(ひのくまのはまなり・たけなり)の兄弟が江戸浦(隅田川)に漁撈(ぎょろう)中、. はからずも一躰の観音さまのご尊像を感得(かんとく)した。. 郷司(ごうじ)土師 ...

  8. Senso-ji, the oldest temple in Tokyo. Located in the Asakusa district of Tokyo, not far from the Sumida River, the Senso-ji Buddhist temple is particularly popular with the Japanese but also arouses the interest of tourists. Explore this imposing and unmissable Japanese cultural site.

  9. Oct 6, 2023 · Beyond the Thunder Gate to the heart of Edo culture. Sensoji is perhaps the most famous and photographed of Tokyo's temples. It is the oldest Buddhist temple in the capital, and the five-story pagoda, trails of incense and vast eaves will take you back to a Tokyo of time gone by.

  10. Dec 20, 2023 · Sensoji, the oldest temple in Japan's capital, is located in Asakusa, Tokyo's most popular sightseeing area. This article introduces the highlights of the temple, access details, and other useful information. Latest update : 2023.12.20.