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  1. Jun 20, 2020 · Dr Andrew Wakefield These include the paper in The Lancet in 1998 coauthored by Dr Andrew Wakefield, Prof. John Walker-Smith and 10 others. That paper first suggested a relationship between the MMR vaccine and autism and gastrointestinal issues after the observation of a regressive phenotype of autism that appeared in general after the administration of the first MMR vaccine.

  2. Andrew Wakefield. July 10, 2020. 1986: The Act – A Documentary by Andy Wakefield. John Gideon Hartnett ...

  3. Feb 11, 2021 · Discover the most cutting-edge, insider news and just-released evidence — from over twenty of the world’s authorities and experts. Many notables have been interviewed. In the first two Episodes we saw Dr Andrew Kaufman, Dr Andrew Wakefield and Del Bigtree. Many more are to come. Watch the Trailer here. Watch the Series here. Don’t miss it.

  4. Jul 10, 2020 · Andrew Wakefield, autism, vaccine injury, Vaccines, Vaxxed I just got through watching this new documentary by Andy J. Wakefield. It is a bombshell that explodes the corruption and perfidy of the relationship that big Pharma has with the US government and the US courts.

  5. Jul 13, 2022 · Pastor Andrew Isker. July 13, 2022. The Old Testament Belongs to Christ and His People Alone — Why There Can Never Be A “Judeo-Christian” Anything. John Gideon Hartnett.

  6. Bible Science Forum celebrates the very best in independent journalism. Through the online content we publish, we share our opinions and thoughts on the various problems that the world is facing right now.

  7. Jan 3, 2021 · Dr Andrew Kaufman “They want to genetically modify us with COVID-19 vaccine” The following is an excellent documentary on the history and dangers or vaccines. It would appear that the documentary is too dangerous to be hosted on YouTube. So it had to be hosted on Bitchute. Watch it here!

  8. On Romans 10:9, Dr. Andrew Wommack writes… “Therefore, this verse is a promise to those who believe on Jesus to the extent that they are willing to change their actions accordingly and confess Him as Lord (God) with their mouths so that they might be saved.” In the scripture we read:

  9. Jul 24, 2022 · July 24, 2022. 4 minutes. Andy Wakefield, global depopulation, infertility, miscarriages, WHO. This is an excellent and damning expose of the WHO vaccine program which sterilized many millions of fertile women in 63 countries in Africa and Asia. The documentary focuses on the pre-natal Tetanus vaccine program in Kenya.

  10. Jun 7, 2016 · At the time this promise was made, Abraham was at Shechem (Sichem) or modern-day Nablus. Nablus (Shechem) is located in the West Bank, in the region known biblically as Samaria. The West Bank (of the Jordan River) is land captured by Israel from Jordan during the six-day war in June, 1967. It was never part of a country called Palestine.