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  1. 3 个回答. 书鱼. Harvard College (HC) 成立于1636年,是美国有史以来最早的高等教育机构。. HC只提供四年制的本科阶段文科学位教育,有约6600名在校生,男女性别比例基本对等。. Harvard University (HU) 包括了Harvard College,还由10个研究生院和职业教育学院组成。. 这10 ...

  2. 哈佛大学本科生交流项目(Visiting Undergraduate Student Program)是哈佛大学下属的Harvard College开设的面向全世界在读本科生的交流项目,每学期招收约60人。 参加项目的学生将作为哈佛本科生进行为期一学期或一学年的学习,期间可以使用哈佛本科生的所有资源,享受所有待遇,与其本科生没有区别。

  3. The lowest level degree they offer is a Master's Degree. So first you'll need to get a Bachelor's Degree. But you currently don't even have a high school diploma. That's okay. You can do this. First you need to get take the GED. This is a high school equivalency exam that is available to people of all ages.

  4. College一般不提供硕士或博士学位,学生规模通常也没有university大。. University一般都会提供本科和研究生课程. University可以包含某些College或者School(学院). 不过这也不是一定的,有些高校一开始是college,后来发展成university,但仍保留原来的名字。. 在英国的话 ...

  5. 如何评价哈佛大学本科 (Harvard College)的教育?. 明天凌晨五点常春藤发录取结果,看到很多人对哈佛表示不屑,原因是其本科教育质量与其名声不符。. 作为一名高二预备留美的高中生对此感到好奇。. 求问,多谢!. 关注者.

  6. › people › adamlam99adamlam - 知乎

    The litigation was based on an internal report that if admission were based on academics alone, 43% of Harvard students would be Asians instead of 19%. Harvard won that case. [ADAM]: Some people can get into Harvard on athlete scholarships, rich father-donors, or being children of alumni or staff.

  7. 'content': '''You are an expert human annotator working for the search engine ##Context##Each webpage that matches a Bing search query has three pieces of information displayed on the result page: the url, the title and the snippet. The snippet usually contains one or two sentences, capturing the main idea of the webpage and encouraging users to visit the link. Your task is to create ...

  8. 查就行了。. 最好是用外文数据库查。. 我用中文的也找不到。. 或者搜谷歌学术 用镜像网站试试. 引用格式:Palepu K.G., Healy P.M., Bernard V.L..Business analysis&valuation: Using financial statement (2nd Edition) [M].South Western College Publishing, 2000:1~951. 找不到关于哈佛分析框架的外文 ...

  9. 知乎话题19550228的热门回答页面,提供了该话题下最受欢迎的回答和讨论内容。

  10. 目前免费论文检测网站比较多,主流的查重网站有知网学术不端查重、维普查重、万方查重,高校都有1-2次的免费查重机会,具体得看各个学校的要求而定,paper系列主流查重有PaperFree、PaperPass、PaperTime、Paperok等,以上几家paper系列都是跟wps、百度学术、360学术 ...