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  1. The Bible’s answer. Sin is any action, feeling, or thought that goes against God’s standards. It includes breaking God’s laws by doing what is wrong, or unrighteous, in God’s sight. (1 John 3:4; 5: 17) The Bible also describes sins of omission —that is, failing to do what is right. — James 4: 17. In the Bible’s original languages ...

  2. 展开全部. 定义. sin: 指在直角三角形中,∠α(非直角)的对边与斜边的比叫做∠α的正弦,记作sinα,正弦是勾与弦的比例。. 古代说的“勾三股四弦五”中的“弦”,就是直角三角形中的斜边。. 股就是人的大腿,古人称直角三角形中长的那个直角边为“股 ...

  3. Apr 6, 2022 · 因为y=sinx是一个周期函数, 最小正周期 是2π. 所以函数值sinx在-1到1周期性摆动。. sinx的极限不存在。. 供参考,请笑纳。. 三角函数都是周期函数,函数图像在-1和1之间周期出现,所以没有极限。. sin∞为多少呢?因为y=sinx是一个周期函数,最小正周期是2π ...

  4. Any bad action, feeling, or thought is a sin. That includes such things as uncontrolled anger, cursing at one’s mate or children, nurturing a wrong desire, or giving in to a selfish impulse.

  5. sin30°=1/2. sin45°=√2/2. sin60°=√3/2. 正弦(sine)在直角三角形中,任意一锐角∠A的对边与斜边的比叫做∠A的正弦,记作sinA(由英语sine一词简写得来)。

  6. sin(x)和cos(x)是三角函数,它们分别表示角度x的正弦值和余弦值。sin(x)和cos(x)是两个不同的函数,不能简单地将它们相加。 如果你是指在某个特定角度上,求sin(x) + cos(x)的值,那么可以使用三角函数的性质来计算。例如,如果我们考虑角度x = π/4(45度),则有:

  7. a EXPRESSION EXPLAINED: In the Bible, the word “sin” may refer to wrong deeds, a failure to live or act in harmony with Jehovah’s moral standards. But the word “sin” may also refer to the imperfect, or sinful, condition that we have inherited from Adam. Inherited sin is the reason why we all die.

  8. sin和cos是三角函数中最基本和常见的两个函数。. 它们之间有一组常见的转换公式。. 1. 正弦函数与余弦函数的关系:. sin (x) = cos (π/2 - x) cos (x) = sin (π/2 - x) 这两个公式表示,对于一个角度x,它的正弦值等于余弦函数在π/2 - x角度上的值,而余弦值等于正弦函数 ...

  9. Jehovah did not want them to be grief-stricken over past sins but wanted them to be joyful in their worship of him. Jehovah knows that repentance leads to happiness. So he teaches us about it. If we repent of our sins, we can be confident that our merciful Father will forgive us. 3.

  10. sin(无穷)并无实际意义,sin函数的值在-1和+1之间变化。 sin函数为周期函数,在一定的周期内(2π)sin函数的值在-1和+1之间变化,所以不乱函数的取值是多少,其值总是在-1和+1之间,无法进行计算。 积的关系: sinα = tanα × cosα(即sinα / cosα = tanα )。

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