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  1. Nov 14, 2021 · 14 有用 亚热带游民 看过 2022-07-02 18:58:57 . 虽然从宣发物料已经猜到是💛片,出于对题材的兴趣还是看了,不出所料,在对剧情毫无推动的地方塞点连登的陈词滥调,毫无铺垫地把大陆设置为挪揄和讽刺对象,“香港真係好靓”非要通过树立假想敌才有底气讲出口?

  2. Jun 22, 2013 · 片名为Far and Away,主要译名有《大地雄心》、《远离家园》。一种远走高飞的洒脱和故事感呼之欲出。这部影片很浪漫,男女主人公得以到达他们理想的彼岸,开始自由快乐的新生活。可是现实生活中,你想要的远方很可能永远也到达不了。

  3. May 22, 1992 · Far and Away They needed a country that was big enough for both of their dreams. “1882年间一位出身佃农的爱尔兰青年,其父因地主草菅人命而死,他想要为父亲报仇结果却徒劳无功,但因此结识大地主的女儿夏蓝。

  4. Sep 10, 2021 · 飞机上看完了《come from away》,发现自己果然更喜欢美国音乐剧,不知为何相性很好,可能也是因为能听懂一些。 最感动的地方是女机长自述自己的职业历程那部分,从年少的梦想追逐,载殡仪飞机运尸体,到成为成功的飞行工程师。

  5. Mar 24, 2008 · Far and away》亦然如此。 理想和爱情,这两种人类最悠远最纯粹的感情,在这两个年轻人的身上交织在了一起。 尽管那个时代的爱情还是很含蓄的,或者照我的观点看所有真正的爱情都是这样含蓄的。

  6. May 15, 2010 · Another important function of the opening is it bring the setting of futuristic world (intergalactic travel, sentient robots, and laser battles) far far away from us. If we look into the details in the film, robots, starships, future technology reference, etc. all comes from modern life, and the elements we could find similar to spaghetti western, Japanese Jidaigeki, pulp Sci-Fi magazines.

  7. Nov 14, 2021 · 14 有用 亚热带游民 看过 2022-07-02 18:58:57 . 虽然从宣发物料已经猜到是💛片,出于对题材的兴趣还是看了,不出所料,在对剧情毫无推动的地方塞点连登的陈词滥调,毫无铺垫地把大陆设置为挪揄和讽刺对象,“香港真係好靓”非要通过树立假想敌才有底气讲出口?

  8. May 1, 2015 · 原文:Far from The Madding Crowd(《帝国》Empire影评) 作者:Angie Errigo 翻译:加勒比小鳄鱼 远离都市的喧嚣听起来如此田园牧歌:咩咩叫的绵羊,红脸蛋的挤奶女工,工整的田垄,庆祝收获的宴会。

  9. May 2, 2012 · Today you were far away and I didn't ask you why What could I say I was far away You just walked away and I just watched you What could I say How close am I to losing you Tonight you just close your eyes and I just watch you slip away How close am I to losing you Hey, are you awake Yeah I'm right here Well can I ask you about today How close am ...

  10. Dec 3, 2023 · 塔迪斯里的温尼 评论 Small, Far Away: The World of Father Ted 5. 2023-12-03 06:52:23 ...