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  1. Parts of a UNIQUE function. UNIQUE(range, by_column, exactly_once) Part. Description. range. The data to filter by unique entries. by_column. Whether to filter the data by columns or by rows. By default, this is false.

  2. Unique items in listReturns a list of items in the original order with duplicates removed. UNIQUE() is case-insensitive.

  3. COUNTUNIQUEIFS. Returns the unique count of a range depending on multiple criteria. Counts the number of unique values in a data column, filtered by a set of criteria applied to additional columns. column: The data column from which the number of unique values will be counted. criteria_column1: The data column over which to evaluate `criterion1`.

  4. Unique Reach: Definition. Measures the total number of people who were shown an ad. These metrics go beyond basic cookie measurement to help you understand how many people saw your ad across different devices, formats, sites, apps, and networks. For example, if someone sees your ad on their mobile, their desktop, and their tablet, your ad will ...

  5. Understand your unique viewers data. You can use unique viewers data to get a clearer picture of your audience size or the estimated number of viewers who came to watch your videos over a given time period. Whether they watch on a computer or mobile or watch more than once, that counts as one unique viewer. Note: These metrics give a general ...

  6. You can generate a unique value using a formula in the spreadsheet. The following spreadsheet formula, suitable for Microsoft Excel and Google Sheets, will generate a unique ID consistent with those generated by AppSheet's UNIQUEID() function: =DEC2HEX(RANDBETWEEN(0, 4294967295), 8) To generate a lower-case key, use the following formula ...

  7. This metric is populated automatically. Active users. The number of unique users who engaged with your site or app in the specified date range. An active user is any user who has an engaged session or when Analytics collects: the first_visit event or engagement_time_msec parameter from a website. the first_open event or engagement_time_msec ...

  8. UNIQUE 函式組成部分. UNIQUE(range, by_column, exactly_once) 組成部分. 說明. range. 要篩選的資料範圍,以找出範圍中的不重複項目。. by_column. 指定要以欄或列做為篩選依據。. 預設為 false。.

  9. Platinum Product Expert. Recommended Answer. Mar 9, 2021. Hi, you could use a PROPER function inside the formula (UPPER or LOWER would work too): =SORT (UNIQUE (PROPER (B2:C106))) Community Manager Niharika S recommended this.

  10. Aug 11, 2021 · GA4/GTM Volunteer #2. Aug 12, 2021. In GA4, the only option is "Total Users", which isn't the same as Unique Events in UA. Total Users will de-dupe across the entire reporting period. In comparison, Unique Events would count once per Session. Total Users.

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