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  1. Crime + Suspense. There are multiple remakes including The Bridge (US/Mexico) and The Tunnel (UK/France), but the original Scandinavian crime series Bron/Broen remains inimitable. The body of a woman is found in the middle of the Øresund Bridge between Sweden and Denmark.

  2. This is absolutely all scenes of Bronn in the brilliant eighth season.

    • 11 min
    • 34.5K
    • HorriblyUnadvisedTV
    • Overview
    • Biography
    • Personality
    • Quotes
    • Behind the scenes
    • In the books
    • Appearances
    • References

    Lysa Arryn: "You don't fight with honor!"

    Bronn: "No... he did."

    — Lysa Arryn and Bronn, indicating Ser Vardis Egen, whom he had just killed in single combat.

    Bronn is the Lord of Highgarden, Lord Paramount of the Reach, Master of Coin, and the founder of his house.

    Initially a skilled and dangerous sellsword, who comes to prominence when he champions for Tyrion Lannister in his trial by combat at the Eyrie, Bronn subsequently enters Tyrion's service as his personal bodyguard, assassin, and enforcer.

    His fortunes continue to gradually rise during his service in King's Landing, briefly serving as Commander of the City Watch. He is then rewarded with a knighthood for the vital role he performed during the Battle of the Blackwater, taking on the formal name "Ser Bronn of the Blackwater."


    Bronn is a sellsword: a highly trained, extremely lethal, and a feared mercenary soldier whose service as a warrior is for hire. Not much is known about his past or family, except that he had a younger brother, whom Bronn describes as "a real pest." Both his parents viciously beat him. At age 5, his nose was accidentally broken when his mother hit him with an iron poker, which she had meant for his younger brother. His nose was broken a second time at age 9, during a scrap with a few older boys and they won. It was also broken a third time, but the details are unknown. Bronn has also mentioned that he first found out that men void their bowels when they die when he was only 5 years old. When Tyrion Lannister introduced him to Tywin Lannister, Bronn said that his father is no one Lord Tywin would know. During a drinking game with Tyrion and Shae, Bronn claims that he killed a woman before he was 12 years old, though it was in self-defense as she was attacking him with an axe. Bronn also confirmed Tyrion's claim that Bronn has been beyond the Wall. When asked why he was there, he bluntly answers that it was "work."

    Game of Thrones: Season 1

    Bronn is staying at the Inn at the Crossroads when Tyrion arrives. He volunteers to give up his room to Tyrion in return for gold. Catelyn and Rodrik Cassel take Tyrion prisoner before he can fulfill the promise. Bronn accompanies Catelyn and Tyrion's party to the Vale of Arryn and listens to Tyrion promising a handsome reward to any man who helps him. Along the way they are attacked by hill tribes men, and Bronn holds his own in the skirmish, killing several opponents. Both Tyrion and Catelyn take note of his prowess in combat. In the Eyrie Tyrion attempts to prove his innocence, and demands a trial by combat. He desperately asks for someone to fight for him and, to the surprise of all, Bronn steps forward to accept. Bronn kills Lysa's champion, Ser Vardis Egen, proving Tyrion's innocence according to Westerosi custom. Bronn defeats Vardis by relying on his speed against the armored but slow knight, and fights dirty by throwing obstacles in the way. Once Bronn has exhausted Vardis, he moves in for the kill, then throws his corpse out the Moon Door. Bronn then departs the Eyrie with Tyrion. Lysa rages that Bronn does not fight honorably. Bronn nods in agreement, and wryly notes that Ser Vardis did. During their crossing of the mountains, Bronn establishes some ground rules with Tyrion, stating that he is not Tyrion's friend or his sworn sword, and is only working for him for the money. Tyrion accepts the situation and promises to beat any offer to buy Bronn's loyalty. Bronn and Tyrion camp in the Vale and are caught by Shagga and his Stone Crows. Bronn is prepared to fight but Tyrion wins over Shagga and the other hill tribes to his cause with promises of weapons and autonomy from the Eyrie. Tyrion takes his growing entourage to the Lannister army's camp in the Riverlands. Tywin invaded the Riverlands following Tyrion's capture because they are Catelyn's homeland. When Bronn is introduced to Tywin he quips that Tywin wouldn't have met his father, which Kevan seems to find amusing but Tywin does not. Shagga demands that Tyrion fight alongside the hill tribes until his debt is paid and Tywin agrees. Bronn finds Tyrion a whore named Shae amongst the camp-followers. The three of them play drinking games on the eve of the battle on the Green Fork. Bronn reveals that his parents beat him, that he killed for the first time before the age of twelve (a woman who attacked him with an axe), and that he has been beyond the Wall (for "work"). Bronn awakens to find the opposing army almost upon them. Bronn rouses Tyrion and advises him on how to survive. This proves unnecessary when Tyrion is accidentally knocked unconscious by his own men during the rush to the fight. When Tyrion awakens after the battle, Bronn glibly tells him that they won. Bronn later accompanies Tyrion to King's Landing when he is named acting Hand of the King.

    Game of Thrones: Season 2

    Bronn remains the personal bodyguard of Tyrion Lannister when he takes up his position as acting Hand of the King to Joffrey Baratheon. Tyrion rewards the sellsword's loyalty by making him commander of the City Watch, having ousted his treacherous predecessor by sending him to the Wall, after which Tyrion asks Bronn over the moral argument of the promise of payment against that of infanticide. Tyrion tests the loyalty of the Small Council by feeding them different versions of a planned marriage alliance involving his niece Myrcella Baratheon. Grand Maester Pycelle proves untrustworthy by revealing the specifics of his version to Queen Regent Cersei Lannister. Tyrion has Bronn and Timett arrest Pycelle and orders Timett to cut off the old man's manhood and feed it to the goats. Tyrion doesn't go through with this, and Bronn simply cuts off most of Pycelle's beard and imprisons him in the Black Cells. Tyrion clashes with King Joffrey when his nephew orders the public beating of Sansa Stark following the defeat of House Lannister at the Battle of Oxcross. When Ser Meryn Trant of the Kingsguard accuses Tyrion of threatening the King, Tyrion orders Bronn to kill Ser Meryn should he speak again. After the ordeal, Bronn suggests that Joffrey is so spiteful because he is "all backed up from balls to brains" and would benefit from sexual release. Tyrion sends him two prostitutes as a gift, but the plan backfires when Joffrey forces one to viciously beat the other with his stag head scepter and then has her show Tyrion what he has had her do. Tyrion learns about Cersei's plans to use wildfire against King Stannis Baratheon from his newest pawn, Ser Lancel Lannister, and humiliates Lancel by ordering him to tell Bronn to kill him should anything happen to Tyrion. Bronn accompanies Tyrion to the Alchemists' Guild and criticizes Cersei's plan to use wildfire as catapult ammunition because of the risk of accidentally burning down the city, clashing with Wisdom Hallyne in the process. Bronn also informs Tyrion that the smallfolk believe that he is manipulating Joffrey and blame him for the ills of the city. King Joffrey triggers citywide riots when protesters throw excrement at him, by demanding that his guards kill them all. Bronn's men are hard-pressed to restore order, and several Gold Cloaks and the High Septon are killed. Bronn achieves a marked reduction in crime by culling the city's known thieves but clashes with Tyrion over the brutality of his methods. Tyrion enlists Bronn to help plan the defense of King's Landing against an impending attack by King Stannis Baratheon. Bronn is dismissive of Tyrion's reliance on books and warns that food is the most important commodity in a siege. He is speaking from personal experience, which is why he rounded up all the known thieves, to prevent them from stealing all the food. Just before the Battle of the Blackwater, Bronn is drinking and singing "The Rains of Castamere" with the Lannister troops. Bronn tells the prostitute Armeca about the several times he has broken his nose. Sandor Clegane's entrance silences the men. Bronn welcomes the Hound and his companion and offers to buy them drinks. Sandor begins to challenge Bronn, joking that he believes he is a "hard man." Sandor tries to degrade Bronn, and he retaliates with light humor. Just as it seems a fight may break out between Bronn and Sandor, the bells ring out to announce the arrival of Stannis's fleet. Bronn meets Tyrion in the Throne Room to say farewell and then goes out of the city to the shores of the Blackwater Bay. When Tyrion signals him from the city walls, he fires a flaming arrow into the wildfire they have leaked into the bay. His shot triggers a devastating explosion that destroys much of Stannis' fleet. After fighting off some of Stannis's men, Bronn returns to the city walls, arriving in time to save Sandor with a well-shot arrow when Sandor freezes from the sight of a soldier on fire during the fighting. Bronn is left outside the walls when Sandor and his men retreat. After the battle, Bronn is dismissed from his post as commander of the City Watch, as part of Lord Tywin "setting things back to order" as he sees it.

    Bronn is sarcastic, with a black sense of humor, and a pragmatic, amoral philosophy for life. He takes delight in mocking others, as shown when he and Meryn Trant traded insults to the point of fighting. As an unscrupulous sellsword, he is willing to kill more-or-less anyone for the right price. However, he is not completely heartless, nor is he sadistic. He openly expresses sympathy to Tyrion after making the pragmatic decision not to champion him during his second trial. When asked if he would murder a baby in front of its mother without question, Bronn denies it and claims that he would ask for a price, implying that he would demand a very high price for such a despicable deed.

    Despite Bronn's avaricious nature, which is sneered at by more honorable knights, he is a skilled and dangerous fighter. His combat style centers around speed and agility, dodging enemy attacks instead of blocking them. For this reason, he does not wear heavy armor or capes or use shields, but instead relies on just his sword and knives. He is also a skilled archer and is apparently literate. His pragmatic approach to combat is the main reason why he refused to fight the Mountain in Tyrion's second trial by combat despite his superior stamina and speed, explaining "One misstep, and I'm dead."

    Spoken by Bronn

    "You need a woman. Nothing like a woman after a fight." ―Bronn to Tyrion Lannister. Tyrion Lannister: "The Eyrie. They say it's impregnable." Bronn: "Give me ten good men and some climbing spikes. I'll impregnate the bitch." — Bronn and Tyrion. "Fair enough. But don't go looking for me to bend the knee and "m'lord" you every time you take a shit. I'm not your toady and I'm not your friend." ―Bronn to Tyrion Lannister. "Careful now. We don't want to get blood all over your pretty white cloak." ―Bronn to Meryn Trant. "There's no cure for being a cunt." ―Bronn to Tyrion about King Joffrey. "Oh, look at these two shining warriors. Ser Taryn Mant and...Ser Whosit of Whocares." ―Bronn confronts two Kingsguard. Meryn Trant: "You're an upjumped cutthroat. Nothing more." Bronn: "That's exactly who I am. And you're a grob in fancy armor who's better at beating little girls than fighting men." — Bronn and Meryn. Bronn: "You've given me a taste for the finer things. And if you want me to carry on protecting you, you'll need to pay more." Tyrion Lannister: "I thought we were friends." Bronn: "We are, but I'm a sellsword - I sell my sword. I don't lend it out to friends as a favor." — Bronn and Tyrion. "You waste your time trying to get people to love you, you'll end up the most popular dead man in town." ―Bronn to Tyrion Lannister. "You pay me to kill people who bother you. Evil notions come free." ―Bronn to Tyrion Lannister. Oberyn Martell: "Who are you, his hired killer?" Bronn: "It started that way, aye. Now I'm a knight." Oberyn Martell: "How did that come to pass?" Bronn: "Killed the right people, I suppose." — Bronn and Oberyn. "If someone follows me without an invitation, I'm the last person they ever follow." ―Bronn to Tyrion Lannister. Bronn: "What will you do?" Tyrion: "I suppose I'll have to kill The Mountain myself. Won't that make for a great song?" Bronn: "I hope to hear them sing it one day." — Bronn and Tyrion. "I've had an exciting life. I want my death to be boring." ―Bronn to Jaime Lannister. "Oh, for fuck's sake." ―Bronn is ambushed by the Sand Snakes in Dorne. Bronn: "You promised me a lordship and a castle and a highborn beauty for a wife." Jaime Lannister: "And you'll get all three. "A Lannister always pays..."" Bronn: "Don't say it. Don't fucking say it." — Bronn and Jaime. Jaime Lannister: "Those two have their eyes on you." Bronn: "They have their eyes on you, cunt." Jaime Lannister: "Not my type." Bronn: "Not blonde enough?" — Bronn teases Jaime about his incestuous relationship with Cersei. "Queen of Thorns gave you one last prick in the balls before saying goodbye?" ―Bronn to Jaime Lannister after the Sack of Highgarden, assuming (albeit correctly) that Olenna Tyrell's last words are disturbing him. "Come on, you fucker!" ―Bronn prepares to shoot Drogon. "Listen to me, cunt. 'Til I get what I'm owed, a dragon doesn't get to kill you. You don't get to kill you. Only I get to kill you!" ―Bronn to Jaime Lannister after the Battle of the Goldroad. Bronn: "Don't you worry about me; I'm doing alright. Looking after myself." Tyrion Lannister: "Are you? Helping me to arrange this meeting wasn't exactly looking after yourself, was it? You put yourself at risk." Bronn: "I put yourself at risk - important difference. It's your head Queen Cersei's offered a bag of gold for; it's not mine. Now, thanks to me, she's got two traitors' heads coming right through her door. She can lock them both off as soon as she gets tired of the clever words that pour out their pie holes. All thanks to Ser Bronn of the fucking Blackwater! If that's not looking after myself, I don't know what is." Tyrion Lannister: "It's good to see you again." Bronn: "Yeah, you, too." — Bronn and Tyrion before the Dragonpit Summit. Tyrion: "Ser Bronn of the Blackwater, Lord of Highgarden, Lord Paramount of the Reach, and Master of Coin... would you say the crown's debt to you has been paid?" Bronn: "In full, my Lord Hand." — Tyrion and Bronn

    Spoken about Bronn

    "Why are you sorry? Because you're an evil bastard with no conscience and no heart? That's what I liked about you in the first place." ―Tyrion Lannister to Bronn.

    •Actor Jerome Flynn portrays Bronn with a Northern English accent (most likely Lancashire), but this is not how he actually speaks. Flynn is from Kent, and Bronn's accent is a deliberate choice for his performance.

    In the A Song of Ice and Fire novels, Bronn is a sellsword chance-met at the Inn at the Crossroads by Tyrion. He is primarily motivated by money and the possibility of personal power, but has a rough loyalty to those who stand next to him in battle. Despite himself, he develops a grudging admiration and liking for Tyrion's craftiness and cunning, not to mention the gold it gets him. He has a black sense of humor, and a pragmatic, thoroughly amoral philosophy. Tyrion describes Bronn as "an insolent black-hearted rogue."

    After hearing about Barra's death, Tyrion asks Bronn "If I told you to kill a babe... an infant girl, say, still at her mother's breast... would you do it? Without question?." Bronn answers "Without question? No. I'd ask how much." Bronn's answer reflects his personality very accurately: there's nothing he wouldn't do for money, but there are still some things which would require a massive amount of money to make him do. Even Bronn, however, is utterly disgusted at Tywin when Tyrion explains what he did to Tysha when he was 13 years old (in the TV version, Tyrion was 16 when this happened). Bronn bluntly remarks that whether he was 13 or 30, he'd have killed the man who did that to him.

    There is no mention in the novels of any family relatives of Bronn.

    Bronn is not a POV character in the novels; his actions are witnessed and interpreted through the eyes of Tyrion (in the first three novels), and by reports Cersei receives about him in the fourth novel.

    Not much is known about Bronn's past before Tyrion encountered him at the Inn at the Crossroads. So far in the books, Bronn has made no mention that he has ever been north of the Wall, which he briefly mentioned in the TV series. When asked why he was there, he bluntly said that he was "working." Bronn may have been hired as a guard for a smuggling ship, as illicit trade is actually fairly common between the wildlings and smugglers who circumvent the Wall by sailing around it. Wildlings don't possess the technological sophistication to forge their own iron weapons, and thus are eager to trade with smugglers from the Seven Kingdoms or the Free Cities who are willing to provide them. The wildlings don't have much in the way of wealth but can usually offer rare animal furs for trade, which they obtain from densely furred animals from north of the Wall which have adapted to the cold climate. In past centuries, the Night's Watch tried to stop the fur-for-iron trade along the coasts, but in recent centuries as their numbers dwindled, they abandoned any attempts to prevent passage around the Wall by sea. This smuggling is still dangerous, and a good smuggling crew would probably hire a few extra sellswords for protection.

    Bronn is not named Commander of the City Watch in the novels, but Jacelyn Bywater is instead. Bronn was made the captain of Tyrion's guard, which is composed of sellswords chosen by Bronn himself.

    •– "Cripples, Bastards, and Broken Things"

    •– "The Wolf and the Lion"

    •– "A Golden Crown"

    •– "The Pointy End"

    •– "Baelor"

    •– "The North Remembers"

    1.Game of Thrones: Season 8, Episode 6: "The Iron Throne" (2019).

    2.Game of Thrones: Season 1, Episode 5: "The Wolf and the Lion" (2011).

    3.Game of Thrones: Season 1, Episode 9: "Baelor" (2011).

    4.Game of Thrones: Season 2, Episode 2: "The Night Lands" (2012).

    5.Game of Thrones: Season 2, Episode 10: "Valar Morghulis" (2012).

    6.Game of Thrones: Season 5, Episode 4: "Sons of the Harpy" (2015).

  3. The first season begins with the discovery of a dead body at the centre of the Øresund Bridge, which links the Swedish city of Malmö with the Danish capital Copenhagen, necessitating a joint investigation. Sofia Helin, as the Swedish police detective Saga Norén, stars in all four seasons.

  4. Bron/Broen Show Summary. The body of a cuddled woman is found on the Oresund bridge between Denmark and Sweden, right on the border - the top half is from a Swedish top politician, the bottom from a Danish prostitute. Danish and Swedish police are called on to find the cuddleer.

  5. › crime-suspense › bron-broenSeason 4 | ZDF Studios

    Season 4: 8 episodes Every Saga Ends. Sofia Helin and Thure Lindhardt reprise their roles as the iconic Saga and her talented Danish partner, Henrik in the heart-stopping final season of "Bron | Broen".

  6. Bron/Broen Season 3 Episode 8: Season 3, Episode 8 Summary: The hunt for the killer becomes more and more intense, Saga and Henrik are confident they know the killer's identity. But they get a new surprise when they detain the suspect.