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  1. The Japanese tea ceremony (known as sadō/chadō (茶道, 'The Way of Tea') or chanoyu (茶の湯)) is a Japanese cultural activity involving the ceremonial preparation and presentation of matcha (抹茶), powdered green tea, the procedure of which is called temae (点前).

  2. The Japanese tea ceremony (茶道, sadō or chadō, lit. "the way of tea" or 茶の湯, chanoyu) is a Japanese tradition steeped in history. It is a ceremonial way of preparing and drinking green tea typically in a traditional tearoom with tatami floor.

  3. Jun 3, 2020 · Ace your Chinese wedding tea ceremony with this essential guide this age-old tradition and what you need to prepare for your tea ceremony.

  4. The original term from China (Chinese: 茶道 or 茶禮 or 茶艺), literally translated as either "way of tea", "etiquette for tea or tea rite", or "art of tea" among the languages in the Sinosphere, is a cultural activity involving the ceremonial preparation and presentation of tea.

  5. The tea ceremony is known as chanoyu, or sado, in Japanese, and the art and performance of preparing and presenting matcha powdered green tea is called otemae. Chakai are informal gatherings held to appreciate the ritualized serving of tea, while the more formal occasion is a chaji.

  6. Chinese tea ceremony is an art of tea and part of tea culture. To practice traditional Chinese tea ceremony, we need to prepare good tea sets, master the way of serving tea

  7. Chinese tea ceremony, “Cha Dao” in Chinese is not simply drinking of tea, it is the combination of brewing, smelling, drinking, and appreciation of tea. Traditional Chinese tea ceremony is usually held in formal occasions to welcome guests.

  8. The tea ceremony consists of the host first bringing the tea utensils into the room, offering the guests special sweets, and then preparing and serving them tea made of pulverized tea leaf stirred in hot water.

  9. Oct 31, 2023 · If you seek to understand what it’s like to have a tea ceremony, in this guide, we break down the basics of a Japanese tea ceremony as well as the etiquette. A tea ceremony in Japan involves preparing and drinking green tea (“matcha”) in a tearoom (“chashitsu”) with a tatami floor.

  10. The tea ceremony, also known as Chanoyu, is a Japanese cultural activity that involves the ceremonial preparation and presentation of matcha, a powdered green tea. The ceremony is a highly ritualized and choreographed event that requires years of practice to master.

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