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  1. SUTD offers full-time degree courses in five majors, which are developed to offer a modern engineering and architectural education that crosses traditional disciplines.

  2. Jan 23, 2024 · SUTD Academy believes in lifelong education that goes beyond formal learning, providing skills-based professional education and training courses. Our short term courses and ModularMasters™ provide flexibility for self-driven and self-planned education.

  3. SUTD Academy provides skills-based professional education and training courses for entry-level jobseekers, mid-career professionals, executives and senior managers.

  4. Feb 7, 2024 · The Capstone Studio and the Option Studio represent culminating projects for the Bachelor of Science in Architecture and Sustainable Design programme, offering students the opportunity to work on real world problems individually and in interdisciplinary and cross-pillar teams.

  5. eCourses & Periodicals. eCourses Periodicals. There are a number of eCourses on pedagogy that are available for free online. Here are some samples. Online Courses on Teacher Education. EdX offers a multitude of online education courses covering a broad range of topics from educational policy and history to curriculum design and teaching techniques.

  6. The ESD undergraduate degree delivers a programme that is broad, with opportunities for acquiring in-depth knowledge in specific application areas. The ESD core consists of rigorous methodology courses, which provide the technical foundation necessary to model, analyse, and manage large-scale complex systems.

  7. CSD core courses, shown in green, are offered every year in Term 4 and 5. These are mandatory courses for all CSD students. The five subjects aim to equip students with basic computational and mathematical tools needed for problem solving using computers and to instil algorithmic thinking.

  8. Feb 7, 2024 · The SUTD Freshmore Asian Cross-curricular Trips (FACT) is a programme that is incorporated into specific Freshmore courses. FACT offers Freshmore (first-year) students the opportunity to expand their learning beyond the academic mastery gained in SUTD through broadening their horizons overseas.

  9. The entire ESD undergraduate course list is below. Some courses, in particular the core courses, will be offered every year. Electives will be offered subject to availability and student interest. Please see the Course Schedule for specific term offerings. Core/Foundation Courses Elective Courses Technical Application Electives ESD Core/Foundation

  10. Previously known as " Secure Software Engineering" Course Description In this module, students will learn about data representation, programming and compilation. In the first part, we will learn how binary is used to encode values (data) and instructions (code). We will then learn how to create complex data types and how object oriented programming works behind the

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