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  1. 星島網為星島集團旗下的星島日報網站。提供本港及世界各地新聞、升學及教育、地產、財經、馬經、時尚及文化等資訊;包括星島日報、即時新聞、專欄文章、專家及kol評論。

  2. 全方位多角度的香港新聞、即時新聞、城中熱話、網上熱話、專題報道、中國及國際新聞。

  3. 「決三劍」絕勝 張家朗衛冕創歷史. 27歲劍手張家朗再次震撼香港人,他在巴黎奧運男子花劍決賽上演峰迴路轉的後上好戲,與意大利劍手馬池在決一劍階段打足三劍,最終以15:14險勝奪金,成為香港史上第一位成功在奧運衛冕的選手,也是奧運史上第3位男花衛冕劍手。

  4. 《星島頭條》流動應用程式(app)是一個結合生活、新聞資訊、視頻、個人化功能及生活實用小工具的綜合平台。了解更多

  5. 2 days ago · 《星島頭條》流動應用程式(app)是一個結合生活、新聞資訊、視頻、個人化功能及生活實用小工具的綜合平台。了解更多

  6. Sing Tao Daily; Type: Daily newspaper: Format: Broadsheet: Owner(s) Sing Tao Newspaper Group Limited: Founded: 1938: Political alignment: Pro-Beijing (historically pro-ROC): Headquarters

  7. 近年小紅書出現大量來香港「窮遊」攻略,有「特種兵式旅遊」、瞓橋底、瞓麥當勞等「慳錢大法」。《星島申訴王》直擊從深圳來香港的小葱,她拖着一個旅行喼一個大背囊,隻身從深圳來港到貝澳紮營,3日2夜旅費不足300元。

  8. The Group, which is listed on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong, was founded in 1996, under the name Perfect Treasure Holdings Limited and would go on to acquire and take on the name of the much older Sing Tao newspaper.. Perfect Treasure was acquired by Charles Ho and renamed to Global China Technology Group Limited in mid-2000. The following January, Global China Technology Group acquired a 51 ...

  9. 星島新聞集團是全球華人社區的跨媒體內容及服務供應商,提供中英文報章、雜誌、網上及流動平台等,了解更多集團概覽及 ...

  10. The Group’s Newspaper Business comprises the long-established Chinese-language newspaper Sing Tao Daily, Hong Kong's No. 1 free newspaper Headline Daily, and the widely-circulated English-language free newspaper The Standard; together with a range of supplementary publications including Property Browser, Investment Weekly and Smart Parents, the Group's Newspaper Business spans a variety of ...

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