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  1. money. Money with Wings Money Bag Money-Mouth Face Hand with Index Finger and Thumb Crossed Dollar Banknote Yen Banknote Red Envelope Pound Banknote Euro Banknote Currency Exchange Credit Card Coin Heavy Dollar Sign Chart Increasing with Yen ATM Sign Gem Stone Hand with Index Finger and Thumb Crossed: Light Skin Tone Hand with Index Finger and ...

  2. Money with Wings. A banded stack of U.S. dollar bills with feather wings, as if flying. Its flight may represent losing, transferring, or earning money, but commonly used for wealth, money, and success more generally, often with a flourish or sense of flair.

  3. Emojis: 💴 Yen Banknote, 🤑 Money-Mouth Face, 🧾 Receipt, 💸 Money With Wings, 💵 Dollar Banknote.

    • Overview
    • 💰 (Money Ba Meanings & Uses
    • 💸 (Money with Wing Emoji Meanings & Uses
    • 🤑 (Money-Mout Emoji Meanings & Uses
    • Responding to the Money Emojis

    Money and its influence is all around us—and it’s even made its mark on the emojis people use. When someone wants to talk about money, whether to say they’ve got a lot of it or are spending it on things they want, they might embellish their text messages and social media posts with some money-related emojis like the 💰 (money bag) emoji, the 💸 (money with wings) emoji, or the 🤑 (money-mouth) emoji. Read on to learn exactly what these emojis mean and how you can incorporate them into your next text.

    The 💰 (money bag) emoji can mean someone has a lot of money or that they’re earning more money than usual.

    Someone might send the 💸 (money with wings) emoji when they spend a lot of money or send money to a friend.

    The 🤑 (money-mouth) emoji can mean someone’s looking to buy something expensive or they’ve found a new way to make more money.

    The 💰 (money bag) emoji can mean someone has lots of money.

    When someone wants to flaunt that they have a bit of extra cash or are simply swimming in riches, they might send 💰 to let others know. In many cases, people usually send this emoji as a joke and add a bit of sarcasm to their message to let the other person know they’re not actually bragging.

    “I found a $10 bill on the ground. I’m rich!!! 💰💰💰”

    “Coffee’s on me today ☕️💰”

    “Now that I’m working full time, I’ve got money to spare 💰💰😎”

    The 💸 (money with wings) emoji and 🤑 (money-mouth) emoji can also mean someone has a lot of money.

    Someone who just spent a lot might send 💸.

    Sending this emoji is like saying that you’re money is flying away from you. If someone just made a pretty hefty purchase or is simply sad about having to spend money, they might send you 💸 along with a text bemoaning their significantly lighter wallet.

    “Just bought tickets for the concert 💸💸 RIP my money 🙃”

    “Why are groceries so expensive?? 😭💸”

    “Just spent like $60 on gas 🤠💸”

    A person might send 💸 when they send you money.

    Someone might send 🤑 when they want to buy something expensive.

    The dollar sign eyes and green tongue give this happy face a bit of a delirious and excited look. This is probably exactly how someone’s feeling when they see something they

    will cost them but is just too nice to pass up.

    “Look at this Chanel bag 🤑😍 I want it 😭”

    “Thinking about buying the new phone that just came out hehe 🤑🤑”

    “Aren’t these shoes cute? They’re expensive but I think they’re worth it 🤑👀”

    Congratulate them for a promotion or raise.

    Be sure to send them lots of happy smiley faces and celebratory confetti emojis to let them know how proud you are. They’ll definitely appreciate your lovely words.

    “OMG that’s so awesome!!! 🤩 Proud of you! 😘”

    “You definitely deserve it 🥳🎉”

    “That’s awesome! We need to celebrate 😍🥳”

    Send comforting words if they’re sad about spending money.

  4. The "money-mouth face" emoji 🤑 features a grinning face with dollar signs for eyes and a green money-covered tongue sticking out. This emoji is often used to express an insatiable desire for wealth, success, or indicates that someone is flush with cash or thinking about money.

  5. The "money bag" emoji 💰 represents a bag filled with money, typically with a dollar sign on it. It is often used to represent money or wealth in general, as well as financial transactions or business dealings.

  6. Copy and paste 💸 Money with Wings Emoji for Iphone, Android and get HTML codes.