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    • Rat (1912, 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996) Positive: Influential, sociable, imaginative, and charismatic. Rat people will always stay loyal to their friends.
    • Ox (1913, 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997) Positive: Diligent, stable, and possesses a strong sense of purpose. These people build long-lasting friendships.
    • Tiger (1914, 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998) Positive: Brave, strong, charismatic, and benevolent. Tigers are risk-takers and true adventurers.
    • Rabbit (1915, 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999) Positive: Tactful, intelligent, caring, considerate, and virtuous. Rabbit people don’t like conflict.
  1. Chinese 2012 Horoscope for the Zodiac sign Ox, for the 2012 Black Water DRAGON Year. Bull (Ox) in 2012 will feel the stress of business affairs, but such prospects that he never dreamed of will immediately open. Hard work does not scare a representative of this zodiac sign, dedication and perseverance to follow his line of conduct would be enough.

    • Rat
    • Ox (牛 / Niu)
    • Tiger
    • Rabbit
    • Dragon
    • Snake
    • Horse
    • Goat
    • Monkey
    • Rooster

    Next Year of the Rat: 2032

    The rats have strong survival abilities, and they adapt themselves to different circumstances. They live balanced, stable, and well-off life. They attract people who own positive vibes, and they are good at livening different social circles. They got good self-control, and their optimistic approach towards tricky situations makes things easier.

    Rats’ Horoscope in 2021:

    2021 is considered as the year of the Rat, and it is considered as the fortune year. People who are in the zodiac sign of the Ox have a good relationship. Rats can be a good help for other people. But they face some difficulties in their studies and career.

    Birth years of the OX: 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021

    People born in OX have a strong sense of responsibility and are hard workers. They are very patient, but they don’t force themselves onto someone. They keep their emotions inside and are usually quiet in most situations. They have a very short friend circle. They lose their temper once in a blue moon, but it’s like an explosion. They are highly intelligent, kind, and reliable. They gain recognition through their hard work. Men born in Ox year are very trustworthy and reliable. They put their...

    OX’s Horoscope in 2021:

    This year is going to be very lucky and focus on relationships. This year you will feel the weight of the responsibilities. You will double your efforts to accomplish anything that will make your future bright. 2021 will be a colorful year. They are more compatible with rat, snake, rooster.

    Birth years of the tiger: 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010

    People born in the year of the tiger have high self-esteem and are independent. They have leadership abilities and give the right instructions to people. They never back in any argument and love to do justice with the people. They always find a way to solve the complexities of their life. They are highly compatible with the horse, dog, pig, and monkey. Tiger is considered a year of knowledge, development, and evolution. You are highly oriented towards spiritual development. They always love t...

    Tiger’s Horoscope in 2021:

    People born in the year of the tiger will face career struggles. You will use your high intelligence and outstanding working abilities to give extra shine to your career. Tigers will get a better lifestyle in 2021. They will explore a hugely different world within themselves. 2021 will provide them better opportunities to work on different projects. Before applying anything, they will analyze things from all perspectives. They are attracted towards more positive energies.

    Birth years of the rabbit: 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011

    People born in the year of Rabbit are very polite, hard workers, gentle, and down to earth. They are intelligent and patient enough to achieve their life goals with extreme focus. They accept people’s positive vibes and give their 100% to make the relationship work. They take love seriously and love them to the end of the world. They dislike fighting with other people and try to find solutions through communication. On the other side, they are stubborn, overly discreet, and superficial.

    Rabbit’s Horoscope in 2021:

    2021 is going to be an interesting year for the people born in the year of the rabbit. They will get involved in professional projects and social activities. They will put some extra effort to make their career shine. But due to their stubbornness, they will face some serious career issues. Eventually, they will find some permanent solutions to the hard, and complex problems of their life. In 2021 without losing mental balance, they will solve the marriage issues. They will find happiness and...

    Birth years of the dragon: 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012

    People born in the year of the dragon have hearts full of positive energies and adventures. They have mysterious personalities and might seems lazy. But once they decide to do something, they will be more vigorous and ambitious than anyone else. People born in the dragon year are very royal, and organized, and they love to keep the balance in their life. Dragon people love to express their feelings and always try to keep themselves free from any tension. They try to make serious commitments i...

    Dragon’s Horoscope 2021:

    In 2021, the dragon will have a good year of success. They will use their analytical skills to solve complex problems. They can solve all the challenging problems with their expertise and intelligence. People who are doing business will excel their business beyond boundaries. People who are doing jobs will be rewarded with an incredible promotion. In 2021, dragons will find charming love relationships. They will spread love wherever they will go, even with their colleagues. But they will make...

    Birth years of the snake: 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013

    People born in the year of the snake are idealists. Deep down, they are enthusiastic and warm. People born under snakes have got some extra communication skills. They rightly know how to convince people. They take the advantage of their communication level to improve their lifestyle, relationship, and even more excellent business opportunities. They are blessed with extra positive vibes. They know how to communicate with people to improve the worst situation into an incredible one. Through th...

    Snake’s Horoscope 2021:

    2021 is going to be good and fortune for most of the people. It is one of the buildings and progressive years of your life. You can take advantage of your communication to improve your love life. You will have older family and friend conflicts. Don’t start a risky business as you will face some serious business problems. Try to keep a work and personal life balance. Try to work in the field of IT. You will experience good progress in this field.

    Birth years of horse: 1942, 1954,1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014

    People born in the year of the horse never surrender. They work hard to achieve their dreams and put their efforts to achieve their life goals. They are known for having the best positive energies and keep pushing themselves to achieve their goals. Their biggest desire is to keep everyone happy around them. But they cannot focus on one thing for a long period, and they can’t keep the secrets of others for a long period.

    Horse’s Horoscope 2021:

    2021 will put a lot of work pressure, but you will achieve some major goals in life. Your positive energies will avoid some stressful situations in your life. You will meet some new people that will change the real meaning of your life. By the end of 2021, you will overcome all the negative energies of your life. This year will be romantic and charming for you. You will love to spend your time with your family. You will solve many older issues that are bothering you for so long. You will disc...

    Birth years of the goat: 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015

    People were born in the year of goat’s kind and pure heart. They value enjoying little things in life, but they try to hide their pain as much as they can hold. They badly suffer silently but always try to look at the brighter side. They listen to everyone and try to hold on to their own opinion. They believe in hard work and are crazy to achieve their dreams. They have the skill to speak politely and melt the heart of many people to achieve their dreams. With their positive attitudes, they c...

    Goat’s Horoscope 2021:

    2021 will be bad for the business as they are not strong at their business basics. Work-life will be highly imbalanced, and you will find it hard to maintain your work-life focus. At the same time, you will start some incredible projects where you will earn a lot of money. Your love life is lucky in 2021. Y You will get some extra support from the love of your life. You may fall in love at first sight and can spend a dream life together.

    Birth years of the Monkey: 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016

    People born in the year of Monkey loves to do things that are solely based upon their interests. They love to do things independently and chase their dreams passionately. If something has attracted them, they will put their entire heart into that particular thing to get it done immediately. They love to utilize their time productively and create a balance in their work-life as well. Monkeys value people over the relationship. They love to enjoy little things in life and always try to make peo...

    Monkey’s horoscope 2021:

    2021 will be an incredible year, and it will boost your focus on spiritualism. You will see a gradual increase in your income. You will focus on the peace of your mind. You will get thousands of opportunities that will help you to grow. You will bless with many positive energies that will push you to attain a positive role in your career. Meanwhile, you will attract to the love of your life. Dragon and Rat are the ideal partners for you as they will support you in every phase of your life. 20...

    Birth years of the roosters: 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017

    People born in the year of rooster have great sense to pick the things that will happen. They analyze people’s behavior quickly. Their sixth sense works fast, and they make the right decisions after much critical thinking. They are very organized, disciplined and love to add their creative magic to everything. Roosters are very talented and creative. Because of their sweet behavior, they made a friend very quickly, but they trust only a few people in their life. They always try to generate un...

    Rooster’s Horoscope 2021:

    2021 will be a lucky year for you as you will generate several streams of income. You will start incredible business ideas. Your strength will be double this year, and you will get anything you want. You will meet with the love of your life. You will forget the bitterness of life this year. You will glow differently this year.

  2. Dec 12, 2011 · Chinese Horoscope 2012 gives a gleam about horoscope based on ‘Traditional Astrology’ and ‘Calendars’ for the year 2012. In land of China, ‘animal signs’ are key icons in predicting horoscopes. Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Sheep, Money, Rooster, Dog, and Pig are animals of each calendar year.

  3. Find Your Zodiac Sign. Dates for Ox Years. Ox's Horoscope Predictions and Lucky Color for 2024. 2024 is a year of the Dragon. According to Chinese astrology, the year 2024 may pose some challenges for those of you born in a year of the Ox (known as Oxes).

  4. Jan 8, 2024 · Chinese Zodiac. Year of the Ox. Sophie Song Last updated on Jan 8, 2024. Ox is the second animal in the 12-year cycle of the Chinese zodiac, coming after the Rat and before the Tiger. Recent years of the Ox include 2021, 2009, 1997, 1985, 1973, 1961, and 1949, with the next Ox year in 2033 (Year of the Water Ox).

  5. Jun 24, 2015 · Year of the Ox's Chinese horoscope, birth dates, meaning, man & woman personality traits, elements, love match, lucky stones Year of the Ox: In brief. Quiet strength irradiates from the Chinese zodiac sign of the Ox.

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