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  1. May 26, 2024 · Despite being seen as big, burly, tough guys, the Taurus Man is ruled by Venus, the planet of love. Learn about the love life & personality traits of the Taurus Man today.

  2. Aug 25, 2021 · Taurus Man Personality Traits. Taurus men aren’t an adventurous, spontaneous sign. They prefer routine and cannot stand change. Taurus would rather do the same thing day after day than go on adventures. When they get into a rut, it doesn’t make them restless. It makes them more comfortable.

    • January Nelson
    • Taurus is a fixed sign (hello, stubborn stereotype) Have you ever wondered what makes Taurus so crazy, blind stubborn? It has to do with the fixed nature of the Taurus zodiac sign.
    • Taurus men are very old-fashioned. If you’re into traditional courtships and values, you’re going to love a Taurus man. He is the gentleman of the zodiac, and he’ll treat you like a lady.
    • Taurus guys live and breathe romance. Few have the romantic soul of the Taurus man. He loves love. A Taurus guy will do all the traditional things like bringing you roses on a date and taking you to the most romantic restaurant he can find.
    • He can be kinda selfish. A downfall of the Taurus man personality is occasional selfishness. He’s generous when he’s in a good mood. But he’s probably not going to give you the last slice of pie.
  3. 4 days ago · Traits. A few of the typical Taurus man traits are diligence, practicality, and resilience. This is a very strong and stable zodiac sign, so a Taurus guy is a reliable and patient friend. Taurus men crave the finer things in life and they are willing to work hard to obtain them.

    • April 20-May 20
    • Fixed
    • Earth
    • Bull
  4. A Taurus man is all about practicality, stability, and security. He wants nothing more than to provide the protection of his loved ones and create a harmonious home life. He is also a sensual sign, so he loves spending lazy weekend mornings in bed with his partner.

  5. Learn all about the Taurus man: his personality traits, what he's like as a husband and father, his characteristics at work and as a lover.

  6. Jun 7, 2019 · The Taurus personality is down-to-earth and easygoing across interactions. Their ruling planet Venus evokes the spirit of the Goddess of Love to help balance out the otherwise stubborn bull. He is a reliable and loyal partner across all relationship types. The Taurus personality in men and women is often depicted as sensual.