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  1. Jan 12, 2014 · A class act can also be used to indicate irony or sarcasm. Sort of like saying: Your drunken singing in the underground was a real class act. So, in response to J.R. on the sex pistols, I wouldn't find it strange if a review stated that: "Their show was a real class act, eventually Johnny Rotten himself had to tell Sid to cool it". Obviously ...

  2. Mar 20, 2016 · ...refers to the man or woman who previously had belonged to a lower social class and economic stratum (rank) within that class; and that the new money—which constitutes his or her wealth—allowed upward social mobility and provided the means for conspicuous consumption *which shares the same Wikipedia article with the French term

  3. Nov 13, 2014 · 1. Acts (or sins) of omission and commission are, respectively, things you have failed to do, and things you have done. The terms are often used in legalistic or canon law contexts. One might find the phrase "whether by omission or commission" in a contract, say, or a religious tract that ranks human misdeeds according to how evil they are ...

  4. Aug 15, 2012 · More specifically, you are elitist or an elitist; you aspire to social classes higher than your own and are intolerant of lower social classes than your own (or even of your own social class). You may be termed a social climber if you aspire to advance quickly to higher social levels, especially by association with members of that class.

  5. Is there a class or category for this sort of words? P.S. I've used the Moby Part-Of-Speech database to filter a corpus of total 233,357 words to a list of just 5,423 words that are both nouns and adjectives (presumably, in the same form) (@Ricky) it's not quite "a hell of a list," but still one to reckon with.

  6. In the U.S. and probably Canada, if you arranged for a group of people to meet somewhere, where you would provide information or a point of view on a particular topic for educational purposes, the term "teaching a class" or "giving a lecture" would generally be appropriate.

  7. Oct 10, 2015 · (b) Belonging to a privileged class can help a woman to overcome many barriers that obstruct women from less thriving classes. (c) It is an interactive presence of these two kinds of deprivation— being low class and being female— that massively impoverishes women from the less privileged classes.

  8. I looked at a bunch of style guides to see what they have to say on this subject. The vast majority of them dedicate at least a paragraph to the distinction (or nondistinction) between "in behalf of" and "on behalf of"—but not one addresses the question of how to handle "on behalf of" when used by a speaker to refer to another person and to him- or herself.

  9. May 30, 2016 · For example, in the sentence: I baked a cake for my mom. Direct object (DO): cake Indirect object (IO): for my mom Some webpages say IO can only come before DO While others explain that a

  10. Dec 31, 2012 · This is a different and fairly widely-used usage, as tchrist says in his answer. Indeed, in 'would you kindly just give up your seat for my great-grandmother', kindly and just are two of the hedging devices (pragmatic markers subset politeness) (the third device is the would you construction) (and the fourth, the winning smile).