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  1. May 28, 2012 · English - England. May 30, 2012. #11. The main distinction between to start and to initiate is that you initiate, the first/initial time. It would be rare to initiate something twice or more - you would only do it if the first attempt to start it had failed. In the context of membership of cults, philosophies, clubs, secret societies, or, as ...

  2. Jun 12, 2007 · England, English. Jun 12, 2007. #4. In English language literary criticism, a "roman d'initiation" is often referred to as a "Bildungsroman" borrowing from the German and generally translated (if at all): into English as a novel of "personal development"; and into French as a "roman de formation". This is subtly different from "initiation" but ...

  3. Dec 10, 2015 · 首先从general的角度来看,initiation就是指每个人的spiritual progress所经历的途径或过程。. 几乎世界上所有宗教或是秘密结社都有自己的initiation方法。. 比如,禅宗的“当头棒喝”就可以看作是一种initiation的方法。. 在西方神秘学领域,initiation的过程也被称作path of ...

  4. Nov 29, 2013 · New Member. Hungarian. Nov 29, 2013. #3. Are you saying I should transform the whole sentence? Is the student's version: The motivation of/for this study was to observe the differences regarding this subject among adults. any better like this: "The second study was aimed at finding the difference among adults in that respect." thanks.

  5. Aug 6, 2017 · Do you mind if I open the window. Would you mind, do you mind can be answered by no, I don't mind, not at all etc. If you do mind, possible answers range from a short and direct yes! , to more polite answers like, I'd rather you didn't, I'd prefer that you didn't, I'd appreciate it if you didn't/wouldn't. Bic.

  6. Sep 30, 2017 · Hello everyone, I was wondering if you can help me with these words. It was in an article, the sentence was : "In fact, the CI is only one initiative in a...

  7. Mar 31, 2009 · English. Mar 31, 2009. #1. During a judicial hearing of a juvenile delinquent arrested by police, I interpreted accusations that included his participation in a (unfortunately) common initiation practice among gangs in which the prospect submits to a vicious beating by other gang members for exactly 13 seconds. This is known as being "jumped in."

  8. Feb 27, 2014 · Initiation report的发行时间在香港IPO中受research guideline的限制,需要在research blackout period结束后才能够发报告。. 至于可以发报告了还没有发,原因会有多样,分析师时间排不过来,分析师离职了,股票关注度太差不值得花时间写报告,诸如此类,什么样的情况都有 ...

  9. › topic › 20045599成长小说 - 知乎

    成长小说亦称启蒙小说(novel of initiation),此概念最初源于德国,是西方近代文学中颇重要也常见的一个类型。. 简单说来,这类小说处理的是主角(几乎清一色为男性,那年头女性好像不被视为有成长启蒙的可能)自幼年或少年至成年、自天真无知至成熟世故 ...

  10. Oct 10, 2010 · french - France. Being an "allocataire" means that you receive salary (called "allocation de recherche") for your research activity during your PhD Thesis. Being a "moniteur" means that you have an employement contract for your teaching activity at your university during your PhD thesis. You might teach without being a "moniteur", but this ...