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  1. www.hindawi.comHindawi

    With a 200 year tradition of publishing excellence, Wiley is committed to expanding routes to open access publishing and ensuring the maximum reach and impact of high-quality, trusted research for the benefit of humankind.

  2. Editorial Complexity and Project Management: Challenges, Opportunities, and Future Research JoséR.SanCristóbal ,1 EmmaDiaz,2 LuisCarral ,3 JoséA.Fraguela,3 ...

  3. and complexity. Traditional PRNGs are mainly based on linear congruence theory, such as m-sequences and gold sequences. e complexity of these sequences is low, and there are security flaws in the application of information security, and the application in cryptographic design is limited by the speed of password generation. How to

  4. characterizesashighconsumption,highpollution,andlow efficiency. e two main aspects needed for improving energyareasfollows:firstly,determiningthecriticalfactors

  5. Proof.Itiseasytofindthat−c isaneigenvalueoftheJa- cobianmatrixatDEF.eothertwoeigenvalues λ 1 andλ 2 aretherootsof λ2+λ(3c −τn+ω+τ)+2c(c −τn+ω) 0. (16) If R 0 <1, then τn<c +ω, which leads to 3c −τn+ω+τ>,both λ 1 andλ 2 havenegativereal parts,andtherefore,theDEFisasymptoticallystable.If

  6. F σ x i expx2 i /2σ 2 −exp−x2 i /2σ 2 expx 2 i /2σ 2 +exp−x i /2σ (17) Compared with the Gauss smoothed function, the ...

  7. Complexity 3 <–30 –30 –28 –26 –24 –22 –20 –18 –16 –14 –12 –10 –8 –6 –4 –2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 >40 Figure 1:Temperature(inCelsius)andthecorrespondingcolorlabel. Figure 2:Visualizedtemperaturemap. Past temperature data map series

  8. Complexity Volume 2018, Article ID 9620142, 10 pages

  9. Complexity Volume 2018, Article ID 2178031, 14 pages

  10. fying the pulse of the customer’s need to hold their position in the market. From the last era, the steel industry in Bangladesh is a fast-growing industry in the local market. -e industries managed to manufacture a large amount of steel to fulfill both local and international markets, but produc.