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  1. Jun 16, 2024 · Napoleon's objective is simple and predictable: to penetrate very quickly and maneuver effectively into enemy territory in order to confront and... Threadmarks. Word Count: 63k. Kronistry. Thread. May 11, 2024. 1812 french invasion of russia alt-napoleonic wars napoleon i russian empire. Replies: 648.

  2. Aug 3, 2012 · Tocomocho. There is one of Turtledove's novels, The Two Georges, where Imperial Russia extends all the way from Valachia, Congress Poland and Finland to Alaska, and it has also gained Mongolia after China was carved in the 19th century, but apparently not East Turkestan or Manchuria.

  3. Russian Empire in 1939. In an alternate scenerio, the Tsar Nicholas II and his Family flees to England, and the Whites win the Civil War, restoring the monarchy as a constitutional monarchy, whers the Tsar has limited power. Many white army generals, such as Kolchak, Denikin, and Ungern, return to Russia.

  4. May 4, 2020 · 1 — warm water port whitout invading ottoman empire and not in the mediterranean that is a closed sea but near the indian ocean. 2— Inner Manchuria as more recources and im thinking in a Russian Empire that looks east not west. 3— The Capital of Russian Pacific will be Harbin , so the trains go there first.

  5. Jul 8, 2014 · Banned. 1600 Boris Gudonov accepts the personal union and takes over the Polish Lithuanian Commonwealth. Manages to secure throne for his dynasty and avoid the Time of Troubles. 1806 Russian Fleet gets to the Dardenelles before the British, force them and compels the Sultan to turn over the forts.

  6. Jun 16, 2012 · Obviously slanted and alarmist. I especially liked how they were using Volgin's radio show ( as an example of Russian influence in the media (p. 22), when that show is a lone voice in an otherwise anti-Russian media and it was cut from being shown weekly to being shown every two weeks.

  7. Jun 16, 2012 · The former president of the Union of Independent States, Vladimir Zhirinovsky, has cross-examined a survivor of the Grozny massacre, at his trial for war crimes at The Hague. Mr Zhirinovsky, who is defending himself, spent much of his time berating the man who had just described seeing around 158 men killed at Grozny.

  8. Nov 24, 2013 · Sea was controlled by French and British. When Russia finally annexed Far East in 1860's all they intentions was annex Mongolia, Manchuria and Korea. But they had no time to accomplish it. And when the time come they lost to Japanese in 1905. So in order to Russia annex Korea. 1. Earlier annexation of Far East.

  9. Jun 16, 2012 · When Russia President Zhirinovsky told the international community that Russia would ‘oppose German attempts to re-conquer Lower Silesia’ (where Legnica was located), the NATO response was sudden and forceful. Two days after the dismissive Zhirinovsky response, nearly 75,000 German and Polish troops were in Legnica.

  10. Jul 30, 2021 · The thing is that it would not happen because entire economy of Russian Empire was built around fucking the peasantry as much as possible. Russian Empire enjoyed rather steady economic growth for at least half a century. It never benefitted the majority of the population on any significant scale.