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  1. Dec 30, 2016 · The first letter I chose to focus on is an open letter written to Queen Victoria by Commissioner Lin Zexu in which he requests the end of illegal opium trafficking. The second is a letter written by Lin Zexu and his aid Eleang to the Daoguang Emperor regarding the trade rights of the Portuguese in Macao.

  2. Jan 10, 2012 · In Queen Victoria Was Amused, Alan Hardy writes that she recorded her voice on one of the earliest discs in order to convey a greeting to the Emperor Menelek of Ethiopia. He was duly appreciative, stood to attention while listening to it, and had an artillery salute fired in it's honour.

  3. Apr 4, 2013 · I have been wondering and thinking about this lately after reading books about World War 1, Eroupe during the late 19th-early 20th centry and about Queen Victoria and her Son Edward VII as well as other monarchies at the time. I have read some peoples say that hings might have been different or...

  4. Jul 12, 2020 · While both her mother, Princess Victoria the Duchess of Kent, and her governess, Luise Lehzen, were German, her mother, whose English was poor, was determined that the young Victoria should speak faultless English in addition to German because of the likelihood of the two people ahead of her in line to the throne dying childless.

  5. Jul 1, 2013 · Queen Victoria you could say was really the first monarch to reign and not Rule. World War 1 saw the the power of the monarchy became even more limited as the King handed over more power to parliament at the end if the War, That you could say what led to the modern Constitutional Monarchy.

  6. Another example is Queen Victoria and Prince Albert. They were actually Germans, not English. Queen Victoria spoke English with a slight German accent while Prince Albert knew some English. So my question is why the Germans were chosen to rule England instead of the common folk?

  7. What was true was that because of shocking levels of social inequality in Victorian society as late as 1900 (the last full year of Victoria's reign) in Manchester, England 8 out of every ten working class recruits mediically examined prior to enlistment were rejected as being physically unfit fr service due to malnutriton related deficiences such as poor physique and rickets disease which ...

  8. Mar 10, 2018 · The history of the English/UK parliament is one of it gradually taking more executive power off the monarch for itself. Queen Victoria was the first monarch to ascend the throne with the understanding that her role had no executive functions other than to assent to the bills presented to her after having passed the processes of parliament.

  9. Mar 11, 2011 · Queen Elizabeth I of England - for managing to rule for 44 years and managing to avoid matrimony all that time, always keeping everyone guessing. Madame Tussaud - for managing to survive the French Revolution, despite her royalist connections, and for keeping her cool even when she had to make death masks from the severed heads of people she had known.

  10. Dec 31, 2014 · The 100 Most Significant Figures in History 1 Jesus 2 Napoleon 3 Muhammad 4 William Shakespeare 5 Abraham Lincoln 6 George Washington 7 Adolf Hitler 8 Aristotle 9 Alexander the Great 10 Thomas Jefferson 11 Henry VIII of England 12 Charles Darwin 13 Elizabeth I of England 14 Karl Marx 15 Julius Caesar 16 Queen Victoria 17 Martin Luther 18 Joseph Stalin 19 Albert Einstein 20 Christopher Columbus ...

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