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  1. David Garrick was an English singer who had a 1966 pop hit single, "Dear Mrs. Applebee". He also sang opera and performed at the Cavern Club in Liverpool.

  2. David Garrick (1717-1779) was an influential English actor, playwright, theatre manager and producer who shaped European theatrical practice in the 18th century. He was known for his realistic acting, his reforms of audience behaviour and production standards, and his promotion of Shakespeare and other playwrights.

    • Overview
    • Early years
    • Beginning of career as an actor
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    David Garrick (born February 19, 1717, Hereford, Herefordshire, England—died January 20, 1779, London) English actor, producer, dramatist, poet, and comanager of the Drury Lane Theatre.

    Garrick was of French and Irish descent, the son of Peter Garrick, a captain in the English army, and Arabella Clough, the daughter of a vicar at Lichfield cathedral who was of Irish extraction. David was born at Hereford, where his father was on recruiting duty. In the family home at Lichfield, the seven children were reared on the highest moral principles in conditions of strict economy. To obtain full pay, after several years on half pay, Captain Garrick joined an infantry regiment at Gibraltar, and David, then 14, as eldest son at home, reported family progress in lively letters that, on the whole, did credit to the Lichfield grammar school. In 1736 Gilbert Walmesley, registrar of the ecclesiastical court of Lichfield, who lived in the bishop’s palace and lent his premises for private theatricals organized by his young protégé, advised that “Little Davy” should be sent to the academy opened in that year by Samuel Johnson at Edial, near Lichfield. This venture lasted only a few months, and on March 2, 1737, Johnson and Garrick set out for London; according to Johnson, he had two-pence-halfpenny in his pocket and David three halfpence.

    Garrick entered his name as a law student at Lincoln’s Inn and prepared to study with a friend of Walmesley’s at Rochester, Kent, but his father’s death in March 1737 and a legacy of £1,000 from an uncle made possible a change of plan. David had spent some months at Lisbon as apprentice to his uncle, a vintner, and he and his elder brother set up as Garrick & Co., wine merchants—Peter at Lichfield and David in London, in Durham Yard, off the Strand. His business took him into places of entertainment, where he soon had a large acquaintance, including the actor Charles (“Wicked Charlie”) Macklin, with whom he conferred on modern theories of acting, and the elegant but unreliable Charles Fleetwood, manager of Drury Lane Theatre, one of the two theatres authorized by the 1737 Licensing Act, the other being Covent Garden. In April 1740, Drury Lane produced Garrick’s first comedy, Lethe; or, Esop in the Shades.

    Garrick entered the acting profession anonymously, in a mask. In March 1741, upon the illness of the actor billed to take the part, he dashed onto the stage as Harlequin at a small, unlicensed theatre in Goodman’s Fields. Soon afterward the proprietor took a company to Ipswich for the summer season, and Garrick appeared there in Thomas Southerne’s Oroonoko as Aboan, a noble savage, with his face blackened, and later played Captain Duretête, in George Farquhar’s The Inconstant. He was thereafter well received in several parts, but when he applied at Drury Lane and Covent Garden, neither Fleetwood nor old John Rich, manager of Covent Garden, wanted him. He had to return to Goodman’s Fields. His mother had died in 1740, but he still dared not tell his family that he had entered a profession then generally held in low esteem. Not until the night after his astounding first appearance as Richard III in 1741 did he break the news to Peter.

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    Poetry: First Lines

    The instant success of a young, unknown actor in a major tragic Shakespearean part remains one of the romances of theatrical history. The Garrick legend was founded in a single night. Audiences, weary of the pompous recitative and stately attitudinizing imposed by French tradition, were ready for the naturalistic new style, and they soon perceived that this bright young man could do anything. He was equally good in Pamela, a dramatization of Samuel Richardson’s novel; in Thomas Otway’s The Orphan and Venice Preserv’d; in Colley Cibber’s Love Makes a Man; or, The Fop’s Fortune; in King Lear; and in a farce he himself wrote, The Lying Valet. He wrote to Peter: “Mr. Pit, who is reckon’d ye Greatest Orator in the house of Commons, said I was ye best actor ye English stage had produc’d.” Alexander Pope had pronounced: “That young man never had his equal an actor, and he will never have a rival.” Thomas Gray wrote to Horace Walpole that a dozen dukes a night attended Goodman’s Fields. So much adulation, so easily won, might have demoralized a less stable character, but Garrick, though highly strung and sensitive, had a strong vein of common sense and remarkable staying power.

    Fleetwood was now eager to secure him for Drury Lane and offered a salary larger than ever proposed to any performer. Before the season of 1742–43 Garrick went over to Dublin, where he played at the theatre in Smock Alley with the captivating Peg Woffington, with whom he was already in love, and whom he hoped to marry. There, his success was tremendous, and he continued to triumph at Drury Lane from 1742–45, playing such diverse roles as Hamlet, the simpleminded Abel Drugger in Ben Jonson’s The Alchemist, and the voluble Francis Archer in George Farquhar’s The Beaux’ Stratagem. But Fleetwood’s patent of the theatre was running out, and he was a ruined man. In 1743 Garrick sued him for £600 arrears of salary and led an actor’s strike against him, one side effect of which was a quarrel with Macklin. A reconciliation was arranged in 1747, but Macklin’s senile mutterings, noted down by his biographer, became the fountainhead of the anti-Garrick legends of vanity, avarice, meanness, and arrogance.

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    Learn about David Garrick, an English actor, producer, dramatist, poet, and comanager of the Drury Lane Theatre. Discover his early life, career, achievements, and legacy in this comprehensive article.

    • The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica
  3. Learn about David Garrick, one of the most influential and talented actors of all time, who promoted Shakespeare's works and legacy. Discover his life, career, achievements, and funeral, and see his death mask and statue.

    • David Garrick1
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  4. Apr 19, 2016 · Learn how the 18th-century actor-manager and playwright David Garrick promoted Shakespeare as the supreme symbol of British culture and created the idea of Bardolatry. Discover how Garrick's acting style, management of Drury Lane, and Stratford Jubilee influenced the way we see Shakespeare today.

  5. Learn about David Garrick, a British actor, producer, and playwright who was one of England's greatest actors and reformed theatrical stage practices. Find out his biography, works, and legacy in this article summary from Britannica.

  6. Sep 8, 2013 · David Garrick is known for quasi-novelty hits like the Elizabethan-styledLady Jane” and the singalongDear Mrs Applebee”. But he can also be seen as a forerunner for...