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  1. Hunds Rule of Maximum Multiplicity. Hunds Rule of Maximum Multiplicity rule states that for a given electron configuration, the term with maximum multiplicity falls lowest in energy. According to this rule electron pairing in p, d and f orbitals cannot occur until each orbital of a given subshell contains one electron each or is singly occupied.

  2. When a polyelectronic atom has atital spin=S it gives rise to (2S+1)spin quantumstates known as spin multiplicity.what is spin multiplicity of nitrogen atom in its ground state. Q. Assertion :The ground state electronic configuration of nitrogen is as shown in diagram Reason: Electrons are filled in orbitals as per aufbau principle, Hund's rule ...

  3. The number of possible orientations, calculated as , of the spin angular momentum corresponding to a given total spin quantum number (), for the same spatial electronic wavefunction. A state of singlet multiplicity has and . A doublet state has , , etc. Note that when (the total orbital angular momentum possible) there are only orientations of ...

  4. Bond multiplicity can be given by 2 S + 1 where S is the total spin angular momentum. Relationship between bond length and bond multiplicity: Bond length and multiplicity of bond are in inverse relation with each other. Multiplicity of bond ∝ 1 Bond length; As, there is an increase in multiplicity of bonds, the bond length decreases.

  5. Determine the multiplicity in a polynomial. A multiplicity of a factor is the number of times something appears in the factored version of a polynomial equation. For example:Consider a polynomial f (x) = (x-2) 2 (x + 1) 3 (x-5) A zero associated with this component, x = 2, has multiplicity 2 since the factor (x-2) appears twice.

  6. Multiplication is an arithmetic operation where the product of two numbers represents repeated addition. Multiplication symbol is denoted by cross sign (×). Basic rules and properties of multiplication at BYJU’S.

  7. Electron Configuration -The Electron Configuration of an Element Describes how Electrons are Distributed in their Atomic Orbitals. In Electronic Configuration electrons are arranged in various shells, Subshell and Orbital by following certain rules. To Learn how to Write Electronic Configurations, Detailed Explanation, Filling of orbital with FAQs, Visit BYJU’S for detailed explanation.

  8. angular momentum. Total spin of an atom or ion is a multiple of 1 2. Spin multiplicity isa factor to confirm the electronic configuration of an atom or ion.Spin multiplicity =(2∑s+1) Q. The spin-multiplicity of F e3+(Ec[Ar]3d5) in its ground state but placed in a strong Oh magnetic field is: Q.

  9. The multiplicative inverse of a number x is given by x -1, such that when it is multiplied by its original number, it results in value equal to 1. For example, the multiplicative inverse of 2 is 2 -1 as it satisfies the expression: 2 x 2 -1 = 2 x ½ = 1. It is also called as reciprocal of a number. Q2.

  10. What will be the maximum spin multiplicity for 4d-orbital ? Q. Spin multiplicity of Triplet nitrene is : Q. The spin multiplicity of oxygen atom is ___. Q. Calcalculate spin and magnetic moment for nitrogen, chromium and kryton.