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  1. Jan 15, 2014 · Find the movie(s) with the highest average rating. Return the movie title(s) and average rating. I tried this and stuck because I'm not able to retrieve mid if i add mid, max(avg_stars) then it will give max of every mid , I want only one max value.

  2. Jul 8, 2011 · 1. Break: Break statement will break the nearest loop or conditional statement and transfers the control to the statement that follows the terminated statement. Return: Return statement will break the execution of the method in which it appears and return function result and control to the caller if any.

  3. Jan 12, 2013 · = genre.movieId. order by rating desc. limit 1; // limit is used if you are using MySQL. In other databases you can use suitable sql query. But if you are looking for the most seen movie from most seen genre, you have to have the view count of each movie and each genre inside your tables.

  4. Table Movie: mID | title | year | director Table Rating. rID | mID | stars | ratingDate Table Reviewer. rID | name For all pairs of reviewers such that both reviewers gave a rating to the same movie, return the names of both reviewers. Eliminate duplicates, don't pair reviewers with themselves, and include each pair only once.

  5. Aug 2, 2016 · Movie.getMovieByName("Highlander") What would this be? You're not operating in the context of an instance of Movie, so there is no this. So what are you actually trying to return? If you want to compare the string value with the names of Movie objects, then you need to get those names of Movie objects.

  6. Nov 14, 2020 · MATCH (actor:Person)-[:ACTED_IN]->(m:Movie)<-[:DIRECTED]-(lana:Person {name: 'Lana Wachowski'}) RETURN , COUNT(m), collect(m.title) ORDER by COUNT(m) desc LIMIT 10 However I want a query which will return the movies the above actors :ACTED_IN, which were not directed by Lana Wachoswki,

  7. Jan 3, 2016 · This is a question from Stanford online database course exercise. Find the movie(s) with the highest average rating. Return these movie title(s) and their average rating. Use SQLite. I've seen solutions kindly suggested by others, e.g, fetch the row with max values. get top entries.

  8. Mar 1, 2016 · public class Movie { private String title; private int runLength; // length of the movie in minutes private int starRating; // rating from 1 to 4 stars (0 = not rated yet) /** * Create a movie with the title, run length, and number of stars given * @param aTitle title of the movie * @param aRunLength run length of the movie in minutes * @param aStarRating star rating of the movie, a value from ...

  9. Mar 10, 2021 · Write the following SQL query: Find the name of the user who has rated the greatest number of movies. In case of a tie, return lexicographically smaller user name. Find the movie name with the highest average rating in February 2020. In case of a tie, return lexicographically smaller movie name. The query is returned in 2 rows, the query result ...

  10. Feb 21, 2013 · 0. HAVING can and should be used; I tested with SQLite 2.8.17 & 3.6.22. To get the movies with two ratings: SELECT mid FROM movie GROUP BY mid HAVING COUNT (*) = 2; You can then use that in an IN: SELECT * FROM movie WHERE mid in ( SELECT mid FROM movie GROUP BY mid HAVING COUNT (*) = 2 );