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  1. 4 days ago · Chinese Feng Shui Flying Stars are White-1, Black-2, Emerald-3, Green-4, Yellow-5, White-6, Red-7, White-8, and Purple-9 stars. Nine Flying Stars are the counting symbols of the Flying Star Calendar. The nine numbers of the Flying Stars be presented in the Lo Shu magic square, a.k.a. the Nine-Palace Diagram. Lo Shu Magic Square. South. 4. 9. 2.

  2. 4 days ago · Letak Kamar Mandi yang Bisa Membawa Nasib Buruk. Dalam ajaran feng shui, ada hal yang harus diperhatikan dalam menata kamar mandi di rumah. Sebab, letak kamar mandi yang salah dipercaya dapat membawa nasib buruk bagi penghuni rumah tersebut. Dilansir situs Bathroom City, berikut penjelasannya: 1.

  3. 5 days ago · October 30, 2023. Samurai Jewelry and Feng Shui: Aligning Your Energy with Ancient Wisdom Where the tangible and intangible converge, the ancient practices of Samurai and Feng Shui rise as a source of enlightenment, leading us towards a life of harmony. This mystical alignment seeks to infuse our souls with the earth's ancient wisdom.

  4. 5 days ago · Feng Shui, an ancient Chinese practice, harmonises energy in homes and workplaces to promote peace, balance, and success. Here are expert tips on how to balance elements, enhance natural light ...

  5. 4 days ago · As a country with a rich cultural tapestry, one “culture” in Malaysia that isn’t mentioned as much as others is a culture of maximising wealth! To that end, some Malaysians adhere to certain beliefs when it comes to money-making from Feng Shui principles to modern superstitions. Here are some of the said beliefs that we […]

  6. 8 hours ago · Feng Shui, arta străveche de echilibrare a energiilor din spațiul înconjurător, pune un accent deosebit pe importanța plantelor. Acestea nu doar că aduc frumusețe și prospețime în locuințe, ci joacă și un rol esențial în menținerea fluxului energetic pozitiv.

  7. 3 days ago · “In feng shui, the front door is considered the ‘mouth of chi,’” she explains. As noted, chi is energy, and the front door’s orientation can impact its flow.

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