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  1. Jun 15, 2004 · Jerzy Hoffman Trilogy While no movie will ever surpass reading of a book (especially in the language it was written), I found Jerzy Hoffman's Trilogy outstanding. Little surprise that Sienkiewicz took the Nobel, and Hoffman's production Oscar nominations.

    • DVD
  2. Jerzy Julian Hoffman (pronounced [ˈjɛʐɨ ˈxɔfman]; born 15 March 1932) is a Polish director, screenwriter, and producer. He received the Polish Academy Life Achievement Award in February 2006. Hoffman is best known for his works in The Deluge (1974) and With Fire and Sword (1999), the former of which was nominated for an Academy Award for ...

  3. Jerzy Hoffman (pronounced [ˈjɛʐɨ ˈxɔfman] is a Polish film director and screenwriter. Hoffman was born to Jewish parents Zygmunt Hoffman and Maria Schmelkes. His 1965 film Three Steps on Earth was entered into the 4th Moscow International Film Festival where it won a Silver Prize. His 1969 film Colonel Wolodyjowski was entered into the 6th Moscow International Film Festival. In 1973 he ...

  4. Jerzy Hoffman. Jerzy Julian СHoffman (* 15. marec 1932, Krakov) je poľský režisér a scenárista, od roku 2003 čestný občan mesta Bydgoszcz . Detstvo prežil v Gorliciach. Študoval v Bydgoszczi a Moskve. Od roku 1954 natáčal dokumentárne filmy a od roku 1962 aj fantastické.

  5. Hoffman schuf seit 1954 über 30 Filme. Im Zentrum seines Werkes stehen die Verfilmungen der Trilogie von Henryk Sienkiewicz, die er allerdings im Laufe von 30 Jahren in umgekehrter Reihenfolge verfilmt hat. Für seinen Film Mit Feuer und Schwert erhielt er im Jahr 2000 gemeinsam mit Jerzy Michaluk den Polnischen Filmpreis als bester Filmproduzent.

  6. Jerzy Hoffmann 1932. március 15 -én született Krakkó -ban. Nyolcéves korában őt és családját Szibériába telepítették és a háború után térhetett vissza a szülőföldjére, Lengyelországba. Ezek után a Moszkvai Filmintézetben végzett tanulmányokat és első filmjét 1955 -ben forgatta.