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  1. The Method of Fluxions became one of Newton’s most widely read mathematical works. It was soon translated into French by Georges-Louis Leclerc de Buffon in 1740 and in 1744 back into Latin (from Colson’s English) by the Italian Calvinist refugee Giovanni Francesco Salvemini (Jean de Castillon or Castillioneus).

  2. Newton’s first attempts to codify the method of fluxions date from the October 1666 tract. 1 This chapter, however, deals with the analytical version that Newton fully developed in De Methodis (1671) and in De Quadratura (1691−1692). 2 The method is divided into a direct and an inverse part.

  3. The concepts of Newton's method of fluxions. Newton's method of fluxions is physically oriented and rests upon similar physical assumptions which appear in his celebrated Principia (1687). In both physics and mathematics, Newton investigated the continuous flow of discrete quantities in relation to.

  4. The meaning of METHOD OF FLUXIONS is differential calculus.

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  6. In his Fluxions, when he is treating of the quadrature of curves, he says, " After the area of a curve has been found and constructed, we should consider about the demonstration of the construction, that, laying aside all algebraical calculation, as much as may be, the theorem may be adorned and made elegant, so as to become fit for public view.

  7. Jan 9, 2002 · Newton's youthful method of fluxions, though dealing with abstract mathematics, has a crucial role in revealing true knowledge about the God of creation and sustenance. The mathematical method captures and reveals the most fundamental truth about the mechanism of perception and the natural decline of all processes in Nature.