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  1. China defeated the US, Japan and South Korea. The chips war will be the Waterloo of the USA. If China succeeds in making high end chips and lithography machines en masse, the USA has nothing left to deal with China. The 7nm Kirin 9000 chips made by SMIC sent the USA into hysteria, coming like a bolt of lightning.

  2. Mar 24, 2023 · Greatest threat to the USA is Peace. The greatest threat to the USA is not China, but Peace. Peace in the world would bring an end to the evil American Empire that is built around war and a war economy. When there is Peace in the world, the Americans would be lost. They would not know what to do, many employed just to agitate for wars would be ...

  3. Jul 26, 2021 · Quad - Gang of 4 fictional characters. The Quad was the antagonistic scheme of the evil Americans to confront and challenge China's rise as the top superpower. The Americans have all the reasons to want to stop China from becoming richer and more powerful than them and to topple the Americans as the number one economy.

  4. Oct 21, 2014 · Sky News, 11 Oct 2014. One of Singapore's largest transport groups is examining an £800m takeover bid for Addison Lee, London's biggest minicab operator. Sky News has learnt that SMRT Corporation, which is listed on the Asian city state's stock exchange, is at the early stages of considering an offer.

  5. Nov 11, 2021 · COVID-19 SINGAPORE DAILY REPORTS. Singapore on Tuesday (Nov 9) reported 3,397 new cases of Covid-19 and 12 more deaths due to complications from the disease. The daily infection tally is up from the 2,470 reported on Monday. MOH said that there were 68 patients who were unstable and under close monitoring in intensive care units (ICUs) to ...

  6. › 2021My Singapore News

    Dec 31, 2021 · Singapore — Not many might notice the increase, but the higher bus and train fares mean a lot for low-income earners, said public members on the fare hike, which started on Dec 26, 2021. In November this year, the Public Transport Council (PTC) announced that public transport fares would increase by three to four cents (four cents increase for distances longer than 14.2km) beginning Dec 26 ...

  7. Jun 3, 2024 · Shangri La Dialogue - China poking the eyes of the American Terrorists. The speech by Admiral Dong Jun, China's Defence Minister, was about as forceful and direct as it could ever get in the face of the Americans. There was no mincing of words, no pretences or nuances, or avoiding directness. This is the first time that China stood up firmly ...

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