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  1. Doss was born in Lynchburg, Virginia, son of William Thomas Doss, a carpenter, and Bertha E. (Oliver) Doss. Desmond Doss enlisted in April 1942, but refused to kill or carry a weapon into combat because of his personal beliefs as a Seventh-day Adventist. He consequently became a medic, and while serving in the Pacific theatre of World War II he ...

  2. Jun 3, 2024 · Refused to Carry a Gun. •Honored By His Country With the Medal of Honor. Biography. The Conscientious Objector Film. Photo Gallery. MOH Citation. Desmond Doss Foundation(Opens in new window) Hacksaw Ridge. Redemption at Hacksaw Ridge (The Unlikeliest Hero)

  3. Desmond Doss. Desmond Doss was a Seventh-day Adventist conscientious objector during World War II, meaning he opted against carrying a gun while serving in active duty. He became famous for receiving the Congressional Medal of Honor for bravery amid combat while upholding his principled stance. Only 431 of the 16 million who served in the Army ...

  4. Nov 6, 2021 · The Story Of Desmond Doss That Was Too Heroic Even For ‘Hacksaw Ridge’. Though he refused to fire a gun, Desmond Doss became one of the most legendary soldiers of World War II — and saved 75 men during the Battle of Okinawa. If you called him a hero, Desmond Doss would’ve likely corrected you.

  5. Oct 12, 2016 · The Hacksaw Ridge true story reveals that Desmond Doss married Dorothy Schutte on August 17, 1942, before going on active duty. "The reason I married him [was] because it seemed I could trust Desmond," says Dorothy. "He was a good Christian and I figured he would help me go to Heaven.

  6. Desmond Doss. Desmond Thomas Doss (7 Februari 1919 – 23 Maret 2006) adalah kopral Angkatan Darat Amerika Serikat yang berdinas sebagai dokter perang di unit infanteri pada Perang Dunia II. Atas keberaniannya dalam Pertempuran Okinawa, ia menjadi penolak wajib militer bernurani yang menerima Medali Kehormatan.

  7. Desmond Thomas Doss ( Lynchburg, Virginia, 1919. február 7. – Piedmont, Alabama, 2006. március 23.) az első az összesen három emberből ( Thomas W. Bennett és Joseph G. LaPointe, Jr. ), akik lelkiismereti okból megtagadták a fegyverviselést, ennek ellenére megkapták az Amerikai Egyesült Államok Becsület Érdemérmét.