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  1. Jun 13, 2020 · I am Kevin and the author behind the Turtle Investor personal finance blog that covers my FIRE journey - Investment, Savings and Alternative Income.

  2. FIRE Blogs Singapore | Turtle Investor. Hello! I’m Kevin, the writer behind Turtle Investor. At the age of 30, I am the Personal Finance Blogger who laid claim to a negative net worth of minus $25,755 – and decided to turn things around. So, what exactly is FIRE? FIRE – Financial Independence. Retire Early.

  3. I am Kevin and the author behind the Turtle Investor blog. At age 37, I hit CPF Full Retirement Sum (FRS) of $176,000 on the last day of 2019, twelve years after graduating from university. I am married and owns a 4-room apartment.

  4. Investment. Huge fan of John Bogle and supporter of index investing. You will also find articles on investment-related topics as as robo-advisors, dividend investing and REITs as they are foundation of my FIRE journey.

  5. When Money Fell From The Sky And Miles Were Cheap - A Short Story - Turtle Investor Facebook Twitter Gmail Once upon a time, there was a debit card G, and a debit card M. A person can top up money into G using credit cards and earn cash rebate of up to 10% or 4 miles-per-dollar.

  6. Aug 27, 2023 · Innovator U.S. Equity Defined Protection ETF - S&P 500 ETF With 100% Downside Buffer (But There Is A Catch) | Turtle Investor

  7. Turtle Investor. Hello there! I am Kevin and the author behind the Turtle Investor blog. At age 37, I hit CPF Full Retirement Sum (FRS) of $176,000 on the last day of 2019, twelve years after graduating from university. I am married and owns a 4-room apartment.

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