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  1. JPMorgan noted in a report that the MSCI China Index has retreated 10% from its May highs, mainly due to capital rotation, cooler policy expectations, weak 2Q economic data, and progress in the US...

  2. 集團的投資表現受若干行業的特定表現影響尤其是醫療保健行業。(ha/u)~阿思達克財經新聞網址:

  3. Ltd不負責,亦不承擔任何由於不可抗力的事故或在 Ltd不可合理控制的情況下導致的損失或損害,如颱風、暴雨、其他自然災難、政府或有關機構的限制、騷動、戰爭、病毒爆發,網絡故障或電信故障,引致 Ltd不能履行協議內的責任或提供服務。

  4. Provide financial information, included real time free quote, financial news, HK indices, China indices and World indices.

  5. 歐美晶片股隔晚 (17日)遭洗倉納指跌2.8%道指則升243點或0.6%。. 港股反覆上升,恒指低開86點,初段曾跌115點見17,623點,午後曾倒升124點見17,864點,收市前升幅收窄,全日升39點或0.2%,收17,778點;國指升9點或0.1%,收6,306點;恒生科技指數跌27點或0.8%,收3,613點 ...

  6. offers stock analysis with 5-days forecast, 1 and live comment powered by our proprietary Neural Network and Artificial Intelligence technologies. Stock quotes, charts, portfolio...

  7. L & M CHEMICAL (00746.HK) issued a positive profit alert, predicting that its interim net profit as of the end of June will increase by 125% as compared to the same period last year, which is ...

  8. 公司表示盈利增长主要因为上半年持续改善各主营业务板块的成本结构并采取比以往年度更精准的营销策略令上半年的毛利率较去年同期上升另外数字营销业务收入由去年上半年的80万增至今年上半年的1,500万元因为子公司在上半年开拓了与内地多个 ...

  9. 以3月起的累計漲幅計算38.2%的回吐水準在156.10擴展至50%及61.8%則為154.20及152.40。. 阻力位則預估在159及159.50,下一級料為160及162水準。. 預估波幅 ...

  10. Global Economic Data. HK Stock Latest Search provides information including HK Stock Latest Search, HK Stock Real-time quote, HK Stock Weekly Change, HK Stock stock performance.

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