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  1. Le Cours Florent forme les Artistes de Demain. Découvrez stages et formations Acteur, Comédie Musicale, Musique à Paris | Bruxelles | Montpellier | Bordeaux

  2. Get into a drama school in Paris. Training with us, students will not only have the chance to refine their dramatic acting skills for theater and films but also to experience full immersion in the cultural and artistic life of France.

  3. Founded by François Florent in 1967, Le Cours Florent has established itself as France’s premier multi-disciplinary professional performing arts training program for over half a century.

  4. Here, students can: Benefit from Cours Florents core pedagogical expertise & discover current Anglo-American theatre approaches. Study with English-speaking Instructors who are working professionals in Acting, Directing, and Production.

  5. The acting school Cours Florent was founded in Paris in 1967 by the actor and teacher François Florent. Today, it is one of the most renowned institutions for drama training.

  6. Il n’est pas nécessaire d’avoir une expérience préalable pour intégrer le Cours Florent: notre pédagogie permet à tout.e élève motivé.e de progresser durant les 3 années de formation. Intégrer l’école après un stage, comme 90% des élèves.

  7. Cours Florent acting school in Paris offers a variety of programs such as acting, singing, dancing, improvisation and courses in English and German.