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  1. 5 days ago · Voltorb is extremely sensitive—it explodes at the slightest of shocks. It is rumored that it was first created when a Poké Ball was exposed to a powerful pulse of energy.

  2. 5 days ago · The process of evolution causes a change in its brain structure that is believed to cause its violent nature. Gyarados's fangs can crush stones and its scales are harder than steel. Gyarados is feared for its fierce temper and wanton destructive tendencies since ancient times.

  3. 5 days ago · Its evolution was induced by an unusual item, and its electrical output rises along with its heart rate. From its tails, it can unleash an electric current measuring 20,000 volts.

  4. 1 day ago · The Myth: Bloopers, outtakes, and behind-the-scenes footage are shown throughout the end credits. House of the Dead 2: The infected Professor Roy Curien is seen breathing heavily and looking frantically around. The Cutting Room: Ed is seen about to kill a female lead in his film. The Honeymooners: Ed and Ralph claim to be famous singers. Madagascar

  5. 4 days ago · Recent News. July 12, 2024, 5:59 AM ET (Medical Xpress) New tool combines evolution and AI to predict prostate cancer recurrence more than a decade ahead.

  6. 6 days ago · One of the nation’s most energetic and inspiring Bible teachers, Howard Hendricks has shared the Word in more than 80 countries around the world. He has also written more than a dozen books on family life and Christian discipleship. Dr.

  7. 4 days ago · A Tampa teen went to prison for murder. Decades later, DNA told a new story. An innocent man’s exoneration after 37 years in prison revealed a rash of serial killings in 1983 Tampa.