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  1. 5 days ago · ヴィルヘルムバックハウス. Universal Music. 価格 ¥866 (2024/07/03 15:43時点) 発売日 2022/11/16. 商品ランキング 92,266位. で、今日ご紹介するベートーヴェンのピアノ・ソナタ全集もまた素晴らしい出来栄えです。 ちなみにバックハウスの全集は2種類あります。 ひとつはモノラル時代、1950 – 1954年録音のもの。 で、もう片方はステレオ時代、1958 – 1969録音のものです。 ただし、ピアノソナタ29番「ハンマークラヴィーア」だけは新盤には含まれていません。 単純に比較して、旧盤は60代後半なだけにまだまだテクニックが健在。 新盤は少しぎこちないというか、エスプレッシーヴォではないですね。

  2. 5 days ago · General Classical Music Discussion. Feel free to post anything and everything about any classical topic in this board. Posts: 629,650. Topics: 4,285. Last post: Today at 08:57:22 PM Re: Hyperion Label by NumberSix. Sub-Boards The Polling Station Concert Announcements.

  3. 5 days ago · Helmut Wilhelm Martin Backhaus är 85 år och bosatt på Allmogevägen 8 i Täby. Han bor i en villa/radhus på 132 kvm. Han har ingen särskild adress registrerad.

    • Birgitta Maria Backhaus
    • September 21, 1938
  4. 5 days ago · The best piano players in history. Vote up the best musicians who play the piano. The piano is one of the most famous instruments in the entire world. Almost every composition from some of the greatest composers in early classical music featured this powerful instrument to strike the perfect chords.

  5. 5 days ago · The famous Wilhelms below include actors named Wilhelm and athletes named Wilhelm, but this list also includes doctors, teachers, or politicians named Wilhelm who are notable in their fields. Some of the notable Wilhelms below include Wilhelm II, Wilhelm Röntgen, and Wilhelm Kempff.

  6. 3 days ago · Reviews in History. The Kaiser and His Court: Wilhelm II and the Government of Germany – Reviews In History. ISSN 1749-8155. The Kaiser and His Court: Wilhelm II and the Government of Germany. Book: The Kaiser and His Court: Wilhelm II and the Government of GermanyJohn RöhlCambridge, CUP, 1996, ISBN: 9780521565042, 288pp, Price: £20.99 ...

  7. 11 hours ago · 1907–1908 (Mietshaus) viergeschossiges Gebäude über hohem Souterrain mit Tordurchfahrt, schlichte Putzfassade mit neobarocker Stuckdekoration und Sandsteinsockel, zwei dominante Erker mit Haube abgeschlossen, seitlich Loggien, baugeschichtlich von Bedeutung Denkmaltext Der Bauantrag des Maurermeisters Hermann Seydel von 1907 sah ein Wohnhaus „in derselben Weise … wie die beiden ...