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  1. 5 days ago · African American cinema is loosely classified as films made by, for, or about Black Americans. Historically, African American films have been made with African-American casts and marketed to African-American audiences. The production team and director were sometimes also African American.

  2. 2 days ago · While African Americans and whites often lived to themselves for much of American history, both groups generally had the same perspective on American culture. There are some traditions that are unique to African Americans. Some African Americans have created new rites of passage that are linked to African traditions.

  3. 4 days ago · Unlike the “race riots” of earlier decades, when whites menaced African Americans, the outbreaks of the 1960s involved the looting and burning of mostly white-owned property in Black neighborhoods by African Americans.

  4. 5 days ago · The Genesis of the Style The 1990s was a period of significant innovation in the world of photography. One of the most distinctive styles to emerge during this time was the harsh or hard light portrait, a style that was born out of the limitations of the technology of the time. Point and shoot cam

  5. 2 days ago · Evidence of a variety of behaviors indicative of Behavioral modernity date to the African Middle Stone Age, associated with early Homo sapiens and their emergence. Abstract imagery, widened subsistence strategies, and other "modern" behaviors have been discovered from that period in Africa, especially South, North, and East Africa.

  6. 3 days ago · Despite the initial skepticism and resistance from many photographers, the emergence of digital photography in the late 20th century marked a paradigm shift in the world of image capture. The development of digital sensors and advancements in image processing software allowed for unprecedented levels of control and manipulation over the photographic image.

  7. 4 days ago · Through the lenses of gender and violence, technology and art, Radtke ushers us through a history of loneliness and longing, and shares what feels impossible to share.   Ranging from the invention of the laugh-track to the rise of Instagram, the bootstrap-pulling cowboy to the brutal experiments of Harry Harlow, Radtke investigates why we engage with each other, and what we risk when we ...