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  1. Concerts, shows, festivals, exhibitions, workshops, conferences, weekends, etc. Stay up-to-date on Philharmonie de Paris and Orchestre de Paris.

  2. The Philharmonie de Paris (French pronunciation: [filaʁmoni də paʁi]) (English: Paris Philharmonic Hall) is a complex of concert halls in Paris, France. The buildings also house exhibition spaces and rehearsal rooms.

  3. Concerts, spectacles, festivals, expositions, ateliers, conférences, week-ends… Restez informé des actualités de la Philharmonie de Paris et de l’Orchestre de Paris.

  4. 52 metres high, the Philharmonie de Paris is a landmark in Paris’ north-east. The Philharmonie is also a compass point in the Parc de la Villette.

  5. Jun 23, 2024 · Philharmonie Live. Enjoy the best Philharmonie de Paris concerts for free via our application, in live stream or replay.

  6. Concerts, shows, festivals, exhibitions, workshops, conferences, weekends, etc. Stay up-to-date on Philharmonie de Paris and Orchestre de Paris.

  7. En plus de l’Orchestre de Paris, la Philharmonie de Paris accueille quatre formations résidentes : l’Ensemble intercontemporain, l’Orchestre de chambre de Paris, Les Arts Florissants et l’Orchestre national d'Île-de-France.