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  1. › wiki › Julius_EvolaJulius Evola - Wikipedia

    1 day ago · From 1934 to 1943 Evola was responsible for 'Diorama Filosofico', the cultural page of Il Regime Fascista, an influential radical fascist daily newspaper owned by Roberto Farinacci, the pro-Nazi mayor of Cremona. Evola used the page to publish international right-wing thinkers.

  2. 12 hours ago · Fascist Italy is a term which is used to describe the Kingdom of Italy when it was governed by the National Fascist Party from 1922 to 1943 with Benito Mussolini as prime minister and dictator. The Italian Fascists imposed totalitarian rule and they also crushed political opposition, while they simultaneously promoted economic modernization ...

  3. 5 days ago · Local bosses built power bases in various areas—e.g., Italo Balbo in Ferrara, Roberto Farinacci in Cremona, and Leandro Arpinati in Bologna. These men became known as ras (meaning “provincial viceroy” in Ethiopia’s Amharic language) and exercised considerable local power throughout the Fascist period.

  4. 4 days ago · The political magazine was financed by the Ministry of Popular Culture with an initial circulation of 25,000 copies and aligned with the positions of the regime but in which apart some interruptions due to the opposition of intransigent Fascism of hierarchs such as Roberto Farinacci & Achille Starace lasted until July 1943, even ...

  5. 4 days ago · “Ci sono due anime nel fascismo: quella che incarna mio nonno, i revisionisti, e quella che fa capo a Roberto Farinacci, gli irriducibili” spiega con estrema chiarezza Angelo Polimeno Bottai precisando che l’intento della “fazione” a cui fa capo il nonno cerca di convincere il Duce a mettere le mani nelle riforme necessarie allo ...

  6. 5 days ago · 31 Farinacci, Praxis et theoricae criminalis, part 4, tit. 16, De delictis carnis, 415–574. Concerning Farinacci’s figure, see Mazzacane, “Farinacci, Prospero”.

  7. 2 days ago · Era stato solo grazie al provvidenziale intervento di Roberto Farinacci che l’anno precedente, sotto la presidenza di Giuseppe Carotti, si era riusciti ad evitare il fallimento e ad ottenere l’iscrizione al campionato di Serie B, ma era poi toccato proprio al neo eletto Giovanni Moruzzi il compito ingrato di appianare i debiti, raddrizzare ...