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  1. 5 days ago · The murder of 8,000 men and boys after the fall of Srebrenica in July 1995 is the only recognized genocide on European soil since World War Two. ICMP introduced a DNA-led identification process that has made it possible to account for 6,940 victims of the genocide, almost 90 percent.

  2. 5 days ago · The murder of men and boys at Srebrenica meant that women – in many cases single female heads of household – have had to face distinct challenges in a post-conflict environment. ICMP has worked to help women from Srebrenica organize and lobby effectively in order to access their legal rights to truth, justice and reparation.

  3. 5 days ago · ICMP scientific data on persons missing from the Srebrenica genocide has been admitted in evidence at trials before the ICTY and courts in Bosnia and Herzegovina. To date, a total of 20 individuals have been tried at the ICTY for crimes related to Srebrenica. Of these, 16 have been convicted.

  4. 2 days ago · Tijdens de Bosnische Oorlog vielen in juli 1995 Bosnisch-Servische troepen de stad Srebrenica binnen, die door de Verenigde Naties was uitgeroepen tot een ‘veilige enclave’ en werd beschermd door Nederlandse VN-soldaten (Dutchbat). Ondanks deze bescherming werden meer dan 8.000 Bosnische moslimmannen en -jongens gedeporteerd en vermoord.

  5. 4 days ago · These challenges include defending the human rights of all people in the region and the country and dealing with the existential crisis that is climate change. On the 29th anniversary of the genocide at Srebrenica, a look at lessons to be learned in the UK, Europe, and the USA.

  6. 3 days ago · Senija Mehmedović and her family were among the last Bosniaks to escape the Srebrenica massacre with their lives. The following interview memorializes members of Senija’s family, as well as countless others who perished here. She is representative of the far-ranging Bosnian diaspora, one of some 600,000 individuals forced to flee their homeland.

  7. 3 days ago · Twenty-nine years ago, the Bosnian Serb army and police killed more than 8 thousand Bosniak men and boys in Srebrenica. With the adoption of the UN Resolution on Genocide, July 11th is marked as the Day of Remembrance for the Victims of the Srebrenica Genocide.