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  1. 5 days ago · Michelangelo Antonioni’s The Passenger, Mike Nichols’ Heartburn, and Warren Beatty’s Reds were among them, but the most iconic by far was, without a doubt, Stanley Kubrick’s The Shining.

  2. 1 day ago · Dear The Shining,. One might venture to say that no film essay series would be complete without a spot reserved for Stanley Kubrick’s The Shining.I’m not sure I completely agree, but there is, in fact, a reason the analysis and conversation surrounding this film feels, in some ways, as present and lasting to the culture as the film itself.

  3. The art form of film and television simply would not exist without cinematography— and some stand above others when it comes to this inspiring art form. So please, join us in sharing your favorite moments of cinematic beauty!

  4. 2 days ago · 9 - Raging Bull. De Niro ’s Jake LaMotta is indeed raging – with his boxing opponents (helpful) but also his wife and pretty much everyone else he knows (not so helpful). He stalks the ring ...

  5. 1 day ago · Just as Innistrad gives us Magic: The Gathering ’s spin on older stories like Frankenstein and The Invisible Man, this MTG set explores horror films from the 1980s and beyond. Duskmourn has static-dwelling ghosts, Escher-like malevolent architecture, and living toys – all examples of well-trod horror tropes. But already we can see that, as ...

  6. Dec 13, 1980 · シャイニング ( 1980年 製作の映画) The Shining. 上映日:1980年12月13日. 製作国: イギリス. 上映時間:119分. ジャンル: ホラー. スリラー. 配給: ワーナー・ブラザース映画. 3.7. あらすじ. 冬の間閉鎖されるホテルに、作家志望のジャック一家が管理人としてやってきた。 そのホテルでは過去に、管理人が家族を惨殺するという事件が起こっていたのだが…。 監督. スタンリー・キューブリック. 脚本. スタンリー・キューブリック. ダイアン・ジョンソン. 原作. スティーヴン・キング. 出演者. ジャック・ニコルソン ジャック・トランス. シェリー・デュヴァル ウェンディ・トランス. ダニー・ロイド ダニー・トランス.

  7. 5 days ago · List of films in the public domain in the United States. Most films are subject to copyright, but those listed here are believed to be in the public domain in the United States. This means that no government, organization, or individual owns any copyright over the work, and as such it is common property. [1]