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  1. Aug 3, 2022 · Heartland Pays It Forward is a national movement that enables people in Singapore to pay it forward at participating heartland hawker centres, by enabling beneficiaries of the initiative to redeem meals.

  2. May 7, 2020 · Want to spread the love during the coronavirus crisis? Pay it forward with restaurants to sponsor meals for the needy and healthcare workers.

  3. Central Provident Fund (CPF) Board officially launched the Community Paying it Forward movement today, in conjunction with the International Pay It Forward Day. This movement galvanises Singaporeans from all walks of life to pay it forward by inspiring people around them to make the most of their CPF and be better prepared for retirement.

  4. Apr 28, 2021 · The 28-year-old is now a volunteer with the CPF Board's Community Paying it Forward movement, which was officially launched on Wednesday (April 28) in conjunction with the global Pay It Forward Day.

  5. Jan 30, 2018 · Basically, all you have to do is belanja (“treat” or “pay for” in Malay) an extra meal in advance for the underprivileged when you’re ordering your own food — and it’ll set you back a mere S$3.50, aka the cost of one bubble tea drink.

  6. Apr 4, 2016 · Paying-it-forward, an ideal that was relatively unknown to the Singapore startup community in 2011, was met with much scepticism, and even mockery, by many people.

  7. Project Pay It Forward - The Majurity Trust. Migrant Workers. “We hope more people will move forward to develop a Pay It Forward culture” Arguably the worst hit community in the whole of Singapore, the migrant worker community has truly suffered a lot during this global pandemic.