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  1. You have to live in the jurisdiction in order to qualify for jury duty. Call the Jury Commissioner on Monday and explain you moved and that should be the end of it. Also update your driver's license and voter registration to the new address, so it doesn't happen again. 8.

  2. Jun 7, 2024 · r/juryduty. Everything related to jury duty, including personal stories, getting out of it, and lawyerly talk. Are you currently serving on a jury? Your trial can be cancelled if you participate in any online discussion while on a jury - the judge grants a mistrial. They then need to schedule a new trial. Do not post while you are on jury duty.

  3. The one time I was called in for jury duty, although I wasn't selected, jury selection alone was incredibly entertaining. It was a criminal trial for trespassing and disorderly behavior, the two defendants were representing themselves, one of the defendants would randomly yell "I object" to things the prosecution would say and every time the judge was like "You can't object, the trial hasn't ...

  4. Nov 6, 2021 · Authentic reason. Go to jury duty. Judge will ask if anyone has a good reason they can't to approach the bench. Approach the bench and tell the judge you think the court system is fucking trash and that attorneys are akin to devils, which they are. Give extreme answers to everything.

  5. Sep 9, 2020 · I believe jury duty is an important contribution and I might enjoy the experience (I have a high tolerance for boredom). I’m a white mid-30s man in a senior role in a white collar profession. Based on the Toronto post it seems I’d likely be challenged as “black persons and white persons who appeared intelligent” were immediately challenged.

  6. The prosecution and defence each get 4 challenges (1 more than normal due to 15 jurors) to excuse any juror picked regardless of the reason. Once 15 are chosen, the unpicked people are all excused. When jury duty starts, you're required to be at court from 930-4 every weekday and early 2PM finish on Fridays.

  7. ADMIN MOD. Forgot Jury Duty. I got sent a letter in the mail to start calling for jury duty about a month ago and honestly completely forgot about it. I thought I put a reminder in my phone but I didn’t and I lost the letter and it honestly just completely slipped my mind until I saw a meme today about jury duty.

  8. Sep 20, 2023 · Everything related to jury duty, including personal stories, getting out of it, and lawyerly talk. Are you currently serving on a jury? Your trial can be cancelled if you participate in any online discussion while on a jury - the judge grants a mistrial. They then need to schedule a new trial. Do not post while you are on jury duty.

  9. May 9, 2021 · Jury duty doesn't really pay anything, but every company I've ever worked for paid you while you were on jury duty. Everyone (judge, prosecutor, defense, bailiff, etc) knows jury duty is an imposition (and at the end of the day it is only your opinion that counts) so try not to piss you off. The restriction are not onerous.

  10. Apr 5, 2024 · I just submitted my excuse last week and it shows my jury duty status as “ended” afterwards. You should read the instructions they have on the site, they might have it. It might be different for each state 🤷🏻‍♀️but I remember reading on there that if excuse requests are approved, then you will hear nothing from them.