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  1. 3 days ago · Jesus said to them, “Very truly I tell you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you. Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life and I will raise them up at the last day. For my flesh is real food and my blood is real drink.

  2. 4 days ago · Jesus’ invocation at the Last Supper to “eat his body and drink his blood” is explained thusly: Instead of rebuking and accusing the traitor, whom he knows, Jesus gives him to eat and drink from his hands together with the others, and says that he is a traitor who will eat and drink this bread and wine, knowing that he is giving up my body to death and is getting ready to shed my blood ...

  3. 3 days ago · Let victory be thine, O Mother. Thou wilt conquer. Yes, thou hast the power to overcome all heresies, errors, and vice. And I, confident in your powerful protection, will engage in battle, not only against flesh and blood, but against the prince of darkness, as the Apostle says, grasping the shield of the holy rosary and armed with the double-edged sword of the divine word. St. Anthony Mary ...

  4. 2 days ago · A: First of all, the Eucharist is both the bread that becomes the body of Christ and the wine that becomes his blood. Usually after the bread has been consecrated — that is, changed into the body of Christ — we refer to it as the “host” to reflect the fact that despite outward appearances it is no longer bread; similarly, we refer to ...

  5. 4 days ago · A powerful Gospel text for the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist is John 6:31-71. In this passage, Jesus said "I am the living bread which came down from heaven" [John 6:51]. Jesus further...

  6. › wiki › EucharistEucharist - Wikipedia

    2 days ago · Take heed, then, to have but one Eucharist. For there is one flesh of our Lord Jesus Christ, and one cup to [show forth ] the unity of His blood; one altar; as there is one bishop, along with the presbytery and deacons, my fellow-servants: that so, whatsoever you do, you may do it according to [the will of] God. —

  7. 4 days ago · For in this form the sign of the Eucharistic banquet is more clearly evident and clearer expression is given to the divine will by which the new and eternal Covenant is ratified in the Blood of the Lord, as also the connection between the Eucharistic banquet and the eschatological banquet in the Kingdom of the Father” (GIRM 281).