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  1. Sep 2, 2018 · a) Where do you regard as your oasis of serenity? b) Where do you regard as your serene oasis? I'm prone to the first one because apparently the phrase "oasis of serenity" is more common (I got more results for it on Google) but I dont know if the second one is also suitable. Thank you so much for helping!

  2. Sep 12, 2009 · I googled and found both "the calmness of nature" and "the serenity of nature" exist. Hence, I wonder if they are interchangeable in the following. Thank very much. Bird watching can be a very relaxing and exciting way to spend the day. It's relaxing because you get to spend the day surrounded by the calmness of nature.

  3. Jul 29, 2016 · Hello, your help please. I don´t understand how fit in the word "Serenity other expression" in the following piece of text: Nothing ruffled the serenity other expression. My attempt: Nada alteró la expresión de serenidad. (que papel tiene la palabra other, ayuda por favor¡¡¡)

  4. Nov 22, 2021 · The doorway to serenity, for Nick Bright at least, leads straight to his mother-in-law: she lives on the ground floor, while he lives upstairs with his wife and their two daughters. All under one roof: the rise and rise of multigenerational life Could someone tell me how to understand "The doorway to serenity"?

  5. Feb 4, 2007 · The house by the sea had a mysterious air of serenity about it. Yes, here it could mean "surrounding it". More generally, I would take it to mean "associated with it" or "concerning it". Other examples: There's something strange about it. The smoke curled about his face. He turned about and headed back the way he had come.

  6. Sep 9, 2016 · Hello everyone, The dullest observer must be sensible of the order and serenity prevalent in those households where the occasional exercise of a beautiful form of worship in the morning gives, as it were, the keynote to every temper for the day, and attunes every spirit to harmony. Washington...

  7. Jan 8, 2011 · She has been through a very difficult period but now she is in a good place referring to a person's state of mind, serenity, confidence, optimism, etc. I cannot come up with an all-encompassing term in Italian. What would you suggest? Thanks in advance.

  8. Mar 13, 2011 · A is correct. B may be correct but it doesn't 'flow' as nicely. In regard to the use of difference and different, difference is the right word to use in both of these cases.

  9. May 10, 2008 · Users of WordReference Forums English Only exchange opinions on the correctness and idiomaticity of the expression "Hope you had a nice way back". See alternative suggestions, explanations and examples.

  10. Jul 18, 2012 · Hi everyone, I wonder if I could use "I am flattered" whenever I get some sort of compliment from people, without making any misunderstanding. My dictionary says "If someone flatters you, they praise you in an exaggerated way that is not sincere, because they want to please you or to persuade...

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