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  1. Dec 10, 2013 · Right there on the bridge, on this 24th century Starship surrounded by advanced touchscreen LCARS interfaces, this 'joystick' just looks like an uncomfortable throwback. It doesn't fit. Now, if it had appeared on Kirk's Enterprise, that'd be different.

  2. Apr 6, 2022 · But today I want to get back to that original idea, again mixing some refit Enterprise stuff along with the Kelvin timeline to produce a mix of the two "A"s, adjusting the proportions of the Beyond design in the process. In a way it also qualifies as a TOS refit in its own right, as well as a Prime 1701-A or reboot alternate.

  3. Jun 6, 2016 · Jun 6, 2016. #1. Johnson's contributions to Star Trek published lore are well known. Mr. Scott's Guide to the Enterprise has been an immensely popular resource for three decades, and the Star Trek: The Next Generation Technical Journal and Worlds of the Federation books are enjoyable and well thought out reads as well.

  4. The biggest support for the deflection function comes from the spikes in front of the warp nacelle caps the pilot versions of the Enterprise had, of course. All The Making of Star Trek tells us is that the parabolic dish belongs to the main sensor and suggests that its spike is an “asteroid deflector”.

  5. May 29, 2013 · So, here is my first revision of that master list: (I know I'm missing something, so be gentle) The Revised Starfleet Technical Manual/ Starship Enterprise (NCC-1701) Mission Log. 1. Orthographic projections of the Starship Class Heavy Cruiser (both Pike captaincy and Kirk captaincy) 2. Deck plans of the same (as of Stardate xxxx.xx)

  6. Jul 23, 2019 · Jul 23, 2019. #1. For a long time I have been under the impression that the TMP refit Enterprise was desgined by Richard Taylor with refinements by Andrew Probert. As I transition from drafting the TOS Enterprise and begin heading toward the TMP refit, I decided to first visit the Phase II design. I had previously made a layered drawing with ...

  7. Jan 25, 2019 · Star Trek: Enterprise Star Trek - The Original & Animated Series Star Trek Series | 2364 ...

  8. Oct 18, 2015 · The Making of Star Trek (iirc) said the TOS Enterprise possessed 24 decks. If Starfleet refit/redecorated the Enterprise (as oppose to completely gutting her) the TMP version would presumably have the same deck count. The Enterprise A is a different ship, and the number of decks there are unknown (although there apparently is a deck 78).

  9. May 23, 2012 · Ditto the "Yesterday's Enterprise" one. In fact, I think every variant we ever saw was an improvement on the regular, bland, mostly-empty TNG bridge. If you really need an in-universe explanation, they simply added more consoles. Maybe those lockers were computer connections for a planned upgrade, which Starfleet took 7 years to implement.

  10. Dec 11, 2018 · 3. To build the project with the mindset of swapping materials, lighting schemes, props, etc of the base "Wrath of Khan" interiors so that they can also depict their appearances in "The Motion Picture". 4. Create the Enterprise-A Bridge as seen in "The Voyage Home". 5.