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  1. the police的谓语动词形式与具体情况有关,可指一个警察 (单数),也可以是一群警察 (复数),或者说是警察这一类 (复数)。. 而the+adj.的形式 (指这样的一类)谓语动词一般用复数。. The police 后面谓语跟单数还是复数?the police的谓语动词形式与具体情况有关,可指 ...

  2. Apr 21, 2008 · police是单复数同形,作单数时可指一个警察(一般指男警察);作复数时可指一群警察也可指代警方。 police指警察里面具体的人时,是复数;指警方这个整体时,是单数;跟family、people等用法类似,一般情况下,特指单个的警察通常会用policeman,其复数为policemen。

  3. Aug 9, 2010 · 2013-02-02 police和please是不是同音?急! 2010-01-21 英语Please和Police读法区别 2015-04-11 please和police发音一样吗? 2010-02-05 police和please,sock和soccer怎么区别 2011-08-15 请问单词(police与please)的单词发音有什么区别? 2012-02-05 police 谓语动词单复怎么区分?

  4. Jul 24, 2009 · police是总称,是对警察所有的一个概括,包括警察,警察部门,警方,甚至可以表示治安,统治。. (表示警察时用单数). 但policeman 和 policewoman只表示男警察和女警察。. policeman 是指某个(男)警察。. 有的时候也和police一样做几何名词,但是这是一般用policemen ...

  5. There is no correlation between routinely arming the police and the level of violence in society as it is the fundamental socio-political issues, such as the widening gap between rich and poor,excessive violence on the media, the high unemployment rate that contribute to violence and crime.For example,while the police in the UK are routinely unarmed,figures released in 2018 show that the UK ...

  6. Sep 18, 2015 · 这位警察(Police)开始鸣笛追小明,小明加速逃跑,一路跑到洛杉矶隔壁的好莱坞,好莱坞的警察也开始追小明,但好莱坞的警察也是Police,他们隶属好莱坞警局。注:洛杉矶市和好莱坞市是两个城市,都有自己的警局。

  7. 总警司(英文:Chief Superintendent of Police,缩写:CSP)俗称“一拖二”,是香港警察职级其中一个宪委级职级,为高级警官的级别。 阶级位于高级警司之上,警务处助理处长之下,由警务处处长委任。

  8. Feb 23, 2021 · About ten yards from the police car, she stopped, turned and looked back at the empty car. George was hanging from the tree above the car, a rope tied around his neck. As the wind blew his body back and forth, his feet were bumping gently on the roof of the car—bump, bump, bump, bump. 我先说一下我的,写这个问题是 ...

  9. 知乎是一个发现问题背后的世界的平台,让每一次点击都充满意义。

  10. Comforter一般是直接使用,所以Comforter一般对很多件套(8件套,10件套等)一起生产。. 专业叫法为BIAB=Bed in a bag。. 意思是,一个床上的床品,一次就可以买齐了。. 最流行的8件套. 3、Duvet. Duvet我们称之为被芯。. 填充可以是Down或者polyester等。. 这个根据价位不同 ...